You Idiot

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Glynda POV

A huge group of students sat around the huntsmen statue in front of Beacon, they all still wore their uniforms and among them, (y/n) stood in front as if he was lecturing them. Curious about this, I walked towards them in caution, making sure (y/n) won't be able to see me and signaling the students not to alert (y/n).

"There was this time when I had to seduce a psycho..." I heard (y/n) said. "She was pretty hot but still, she's crazy..."

He was telling stories about our old missions! I still remember this story. We needed to get some data plans from the enemy. In order to do that, we had to get inside a mansion and get the files. The lady of this mansion was crazy but in order to distract her, (y/n) had to... attract this insane woman. For the record, I never liked her...

"So... we four got in all thanks to me. When midnight came, I pretended to be asleep and just as I predicted, she suddenly came in" he went on "Meanwhile, General Ironwood and my sister snuck in one of the rooms and began to retrieve the files"

Now, I listened intently as to what exactly happened in that room. I remember it was pretty weird.

"So this girl, woke up in the middle of the night thinking that we're going to have some SEXY TIME. I don't know where she got this idea but, she took an egg from the fridge and all of a sudden cracked it and poured it right on my exposed chest..."

Everyone started laughing from this, even I had a hard time not to make a sound. This is the part I didn't know...

"So immediately I woke up feeling something ice cold on my chest and she was there, laying on top of me with this big creepy smile on her face" just imagining that this girl did that to him really triggered me. Still, he continued his story "Of course she was in horny mode... I do believe she expected me to say: 'Hey~ Babeh... Sexy EGG!' and I did try to say that but what came out of my mouth was 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU CRAZY LUNATIC!?' and of course she didn't like that!"

Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and decide to join in; this is the part of the story where I come in so, I interrupted him "I do believe this is the part of the story when I appear..."

Upon saying that, (y/n) immediately jumps back and begins to shake. Of course he wouldn't forget my voice. He slowly turns his head towards me "H-hey... G-Glynda... didn't see ya there..."

"I see you are entertaining our students with some stories of our past... I sure do hope you didn't say anything bad about me... right?" the threatening aura I emitted made the students look at (y/n) with a mix of mercy and comical joy as they get to see one of their teachers shake in terror.

"I-I was y-you know! Telling them how awesome we are! In fact! Wh-why don't you take it from here?" he asked nervously.

"Oh no... I would love to hear how you saw that night from your perspective..."

And then with a gulp, he breathed deeply and decided to just go with it and calm himself down. Just like that, he returns to his typical personality. "Okay... Sooo... she was on top of me and I just triggered her. So she took out some cloth and began to wrap my hands together on the bed, making sure I can't escape. She unbuckled my belt and... unleash the beast BUT! Glynda here got my back!" he pointed back towards me, all of the students looking and listening in awe and laughter "She barges into the room, whips out her riding crop and then WHAM! She lifts her up, sends her close enough then just knocks her out with a clean hit on the jaw!"

Now everyone began to applaud and cheer but it seems (y/n) wasn't finished... I have a bad feeling about this. "Then she looked down at the unconscious girl and say to her 'NO ONE DOES THAT TO MY (Y/N) BUT ME!' right on her face!"

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