This is Actually a Threesome

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(y/n) POV

I was standing outside Glynda's room, big smile on my face, just waiting for her permission to let me in.

"No" she simply said, her hand moves to close the door at my face but I block it with a foot.

"What!? Why not? We've watched movies together countless of times before!" I protested to her, asking for a decent explanation.

She sighed out before answering me "But we had others with us" she told me "And knowing you, you'll sexualize it" she said as she glared at me.

"No I won't! I promise!" I raised my right arm up, shoulder level, and said "I solemnly swear I am NOT up to no -not really- good"

"What was that?" she asked with a smirk "I heard you add in something..."

"OH! You know me! Just let me in..." I gave her my best puppy eyes in hopes it'd work.

Sighing out once again, she fully opens the door "Get in..." as I stepped into her room, I noticed how neat and organized it is; really bringing back memories when we were in Beacon. She acted more like out mother figure in our team.

"Wow... as usual, your room is pretty neat" I said, looking over at her shelf. I saw the small texts of words on the side of the books, telling me their content. Mostly purely for educational purposes, but there was one book that took my attention: 'How to Get Him to Notice You' it read.

"S-Stop touching my stuff!" she said, walking over towards me quickly.

I smile at her, immediately teasing her "Wow... Glynda, I never thought you're the type to read these kind of self-help books" I pointed towards the bright yellow book.

"Sh-shut up!" her face went wild red and she took the book and threw it out the window. "That... That wasn't mine! Some friend just gave it to me..."

"Ohh... I thought you bought it at the nearby bookstore, considering the wrapping is still here in your trash..."

"I said... SHUT UP!" now her face was in a full on blush. "Weren't you here so we could watch movies?" she recomposed herself quickly, sitting on her couch in front of the T.V.

"Ooohh... you're eager aren't ya?" I laughed a little as I set it all up. By the side of my eyes, I can tell she was using her telekinesis to get that book she threw, back, which was probably just stuck on some trees.

When she finally did it, she coughed awkwardly and went for small talk "So... what are we going to watch anyway?"

"Ohh... just some horror movies..." she became dead silent after that and I can't help but giggle at her reaction as I looked back, her eyes were wide and her body language just screamed 'NERVOUS' to anyone who saw "Don't tell me the great Goodwitch is afraid of some ghosts..." I teased her.

"O-Of course not!" she argued "That's preposterous!"

"Oh really?" after setting it up, I turned off the lights, the T.V. screen became our only source of light as I covered the bright lights of the city with the curtains. "Then let's watch it all the way..."

"FINE!" she said, scrunching up. I sat far away from her. She sat on the couch, all rolled up, hugging her knees as near as she can. The moment the movie started, she moved closer towards me, almost making skin contact.

Seeing her lightly shake, I moved closer to bring us together, finally making contact. I can feel her soft and warm skin through her night gown. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pressed her head towards my chest, letting it rest. I could feel her get warmer and warmer as she tried to get some words out of her mouth "D-d-d-d-don't y-you even th-th-th-think a-about..." she gulped before continuing "sex"

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