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(y/n) POV

This is the day I've been waiting for. I put on the nicest casual clothes I had in my wardrobe. A simple (f/C) polo over a white shirt and jeans. Only then did I realize how bad the diversity of my wardrobe is. I added in a watch and a chain-linked necklace then went off.

The two of us agreed we'd meet on the statue at around 9:00 AM. My hands were sweating and my heart started beating irregularly, I don't know if it's from the excitement or from the nervousness. However, whatever prior feelings I had immediately melt away the moment she arrived: Glynda Goodwitch.

Her hair was just as usual, tied up in a bun. She wore a white cardigan that glowed as the sunlight hit it and a blue blouse dress. "Sorry if I kept you waiting" she said as her heels clicked and clacked as she walked towards me, gripping her small purse.

I smiled at her and said "I don't mind waiting if it's you. Also, just one last thing to add..." I moved towards her back and freed her hair from its bonds, letting her blonde hair flow through the wind. I fixed her hair to the back of her ear "There, much better!"

She looked down, avoiding my gaze "Y-you preferred it this way?" she asked "I always thought you preferred it in a bun..."

"Heh, don't tell me you kept it like that because you heard I liked it that way?" I teased her, moving towards her line of sight.

"NO! Of course not! I kept it like that because it is proper!" she excused herself.

"Well then princess, shall we get going on our date?" I asked her, bending my arm so as she can wrap her own arm around it. She looked at me with wide eyes, questioning my purpose "What? It's only proper..."

"J-j-just to be clear, I didn't accept this thinking that it'd be a date! I-I only wanted you to help me buy a new T.V. for my room" she wrapped her arm around mine "But I guess I might as well..."

We began walking around town, talking and laughing as we window shopped. Everytime she smiled and laughed made me smile and laugh along with her as we took a trip down memory lane.

"Hey Glynda, remember that time when I had to take care of your lil' cousin?"

She rubbed her temples and sighed out "Yeah... that was... ominous..."


I was in Glynda's house, alone with her and the little girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes. "(y/n), this is my cousin Morgana"

The little girl bowed to me with grace whilst holding the skirt of her small black dress. "Well she seems well mannered"

"C-Can we play hide and seek?" she asked, looking up towards me with her big eyes.

"Sure, why not" I agreed and knelt down to her level.

"Yay! I'll seek! Go hide in the closet!" she commanded me which immediately confused me. Does she understand concept of the game?

"But you'll know where to-" suddenly, she cuts me off, momentarily releasing a dark aura.


"Okay!" and the moment she turned around, she immediately began counting backwards. Of course, I had no choice but hide in the closet since she might get upset if I didn't.

After a few seconds she opens the closet and spots me out. "I found you~" she sang proudly "I found you~"

Seeing her happy for something she should be ashamed of really annoyed me which made me reply to her "Wow~ How did you figure out to find me where YOU TOLD ME TO HIDE!?"

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