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Glynda POV

School time had just ended and the night has finally come to allow us to rest. The cold air outside entered my room. Each teacher's rooms are within Beacon for easier accessibility and safe monitoring of the students and fellow staff. Of course, this also meant that we know where to find each other...

Just as I removed my purple cape and shoes, I heard someone loudly knock at my door. "GLYNDA!" the voice from outside said. This voice was easily distinguished by me as (y/n)'s voice.

I rub the bridge of my nose and shake my head before answering "What do you need (y/n) at this time of hour?"

"You need to see this!" he said, banging another knock on my door.

"Quit knocking!" I walked over to the door after making sure I looked presentable. "I swear if this is another idiotic trick of his I will..." I muttered to myself.

"Look at thi-" the moment I opened the door I immediately slammed it shut right at his face...

"(Y/N)!!! WEAR YOUR PANTS!" I screamed through the door. When I opened the door, I immediately noticed that he was in his sleepwear wearing his boxer shorts and a decent enough t-shirt.

"I'm wearing shorts! It's fine!" now we started our conversation behind my wooden door.

"No it's not! We're professionals at BEACON! Don't tell me you walked here wearing only that!"

He laughed a little before answering me "Pfft, I didn't walk here, I ran!"

"That's even worse! Go to sleep (y/n)... whatever that is, it can wait for tomorrow... just leave it on my desk or something..." I said as I began to calm myself down and remove my hair out of its bun.

There was a short moment of silence before finally, I hear (y/n) surrender quietly. Even I know he wants to have some rest now. "Fine... I'll see you tomorrow Glynda"

"Yes (y/n)..."


"Goodnight (y/n)..."

I could tell he was still there, standing in front of my door since I can see the small shadows made by his feet by the door. "Sweet dreams Glynda..."

"Thanks. Now, GO. TO. SLEEP."

With a laugh, I heard his footsteps as he began to go back to his own room in the boy's side for the staff. As I let the smooth fabric of my clothing glide over my skin, my body slightly shivered as the air softly hit my skin. I put on my sleepwear. My white nightgown lightly hugged the curves of my body as it ended above my knees and a second layer of purple clothing covered my top.

A small smile falls on my lips as I think about how many times a situation just like that happens to us. How (y/n) would do something he knows I'll get annoyed by and yet he somehow manages to make it fun for me. How despite the fact that we think so differently, we are able to somehow get along. With that smile, I went to sleep...


Morning had come quickly and I was already heading out to my desk in the teacher's room after I finished eating breakfast and taking a nice warm bath. It was a pretty normal morning.

Upon arriving at my desk, I noticed a small cardboard box. This piqued my interest since there was a note on it clearly from (y/n).

'Since you didn't want to see this during the night, maybe you'd like to see it this morning... please give it back... you do have your own copy... right?' - (y/n)

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