Wanna Dustflix and Chill?

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Glynda POV

It's already midnight and I was thankful that tomorrow would be the weekends already. After telling the story of how (y/n) and I met with great detail, I felt restless for some reason. Remembering something so far back, it was as if reading an old story. Now, there I was, on my own room, alone, contemplating to myself on what to do now. Sleeping was out the window now since no matter how long I lay in my bed with the dim lights, sleep would not come to me.

So, I was just staring outside the window, the cool midnight air blowing my night dress, when suddenly a special ring tone burst through my scroll. 'It's (y/n)!' I thought to myself.

I dove unto the bed, grabbing my scroll and opening it. There was a text message sent to me."Hey~ Can't sleep huh?" It said.

My brows rose up in wonder as how he figured it out which was also followed by a small smile. "How'd youu know? O_o" I texted back. I remember how we used to this... even though we were on the same room, we'd text each other during midnight if one of us couldn't sleep. Why we do this? We don't know as well, it's just simply fun.

"Cause' first, you texted back and used a face icon and second, I also can't sleep!" he replied back to me.

"Just cause, you can't sleep doesn't mean I also can't! Also, it's called an emoji you idiot, not a 'face icone' -_-" I sent back to him quickly as I lay on my bed, looking intently on the screen.

"There's a name for those now? Well, assuming that you're still the Glynda I knew, I'm sure you're on your bed right now, flat on your stomach, lights in your room all dimmed..." the moment I read his text, my fingers froze, realizing that he's correct. I felt deeply annoyed by the fact he was right about ME but at the same time, I felt happy... he knew me so well. Another message was sent "That fact that you're not replying immediately tells me I'm right! I know you so well..."

"... I hate you..." I sent back to him, completely annoyed by the fact that he figured me out.

"Aww... you don't mean that!"

"I genuinely, hate you..." I texted back, pouting in real life.

"Aww... can't figure me out? Well, I'll give you a tip. Look out the window..." curiously, I first stared at my scroll before complying "Are you there now?" he sent as I walked and looked outside. There were numerous lights from the city, blinking in and out of life.

"What are you trying to show me now???" I sent.

"See that bright blue light?" he replied quickly. Looking outside, there was a bright blue light nearby.

"Yeah, I could see it. Are you there?"

"No. You see, that light has absolutely no relation as to what I'm doing and where I am right now. I just wondered if you could see it..." after finishing reading this, my twitched in annoyance, I could tell he is just laughing at me behind the lines.

"And you wonder why I hate you..."

"Ahahaha, alright, now this one is real, open your door!"

At first I hesitated, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his tricks, but again, curiosity got the best of me. I slowly, opened the door, making sure there was no prank. When I opened the door fully, I couldn't help but smile. (y/n) was outside, holding two big bags of food and chips on one hand and on his other hand was a large canister for drinks.

"Ey... It's a me!" he said with joy, looking excited for what's to come.

"(y-y/n)!? Wh-what are you doing here!?" I said, immediately, fixing myself. Finger combing my hair and straightening out my clothes.

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