You Haven't Changed a Bit

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General POV

It was another regular day at Beacon Academy but with the entry of a new teacher, things have become more interesting in their daily lives. Right now, Mr. (y/n) and Ms. Glynda Goodwitch had just entered the cafeteria in order to take their lunch. The gazes of students were on them but they were left unnoticed by the couple.

The two moved quickly through the line as they talked. "Heeehhh... that sure looks nice..." (y/n) said as he longingly looked at Glynda's plate. 

Glynda sighed out before replying "If you like it so much why didn't you buy it?"

(y/n), also wondering why, looked at his plate then back to Glynda's. On his plate was a variety of well-cooked fried meat and chicken with buttered corn on the side and rice. On Glynda's was a seafood platter, having a slice of grilled fish fillets and soup and rice. Finally, (y/n) answered "It's cause this smells good! But..."

This time, instead of the sigh and eye-roll combo from Glynda, she giggled as she rolled her eyes giving (y/n) a small smile. "Fine... I'll give you some of my food, BUT, you'll give me some of yours..."

"Ooooohhh... you want my meat?" upon saying that, Glynda gave (y/n) a good slap on the wrist with her riding crop while making sure her tray of food was kept up in the air with her telekinesis "Ow!" he said as he rubbed his now reddish wrist. 

She glared at him as she spoke "(y/n), we are colleagues in our workplace surrounded by numerous young aspiring students... being their teacher, I suggest you start acting like it"

"Hey! I'm their philosophy teacher! Best way to teach them something as deep as philosophy is by being their friend..." (y/n) excused.

"But that doesn't mean you should act like a child..." she said as they walked out of the line and into one of the long rectangular tables for the teachers "...Oh, and buy me that later" she pointed towards a tall delicious looking dessert. It was a tall parfait with a LOT of flavors and a cherry on top...

(y/n) looked at it and his eyes widen when he saw the price "Hey princess! This one is worth 70 lien!". 

Glynda simply looked back at him as if there was no problem. "I know it's worth 70 lien, so what seems to be the problem?" she asked.

"Why would I spend that much for you huh?" he looked at her, waiting for an answer.

She looked back straight at him as they sat down across each other. She immediately answered "You owe me 10 lien before and you never paid me back" she said with a tone of 'as a matter of fact'.

"Yeah! And that was TEN lien!"

"It grew over the years... now... it's 70"

Eventually, the two ended up arguing as they ate over the dessert until finally, midway of their meal, (y/n) had finally surrendered "FINE! I'll pay! Slice me some fish by the way" to which, Glynda simply accepted with a triumphant smile as she cut a small portion of her fish while (y/n) gave her some of his corn.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst the two, there were certain students who were looking at them which became the topic of their own lunchtime stories and gossip. One of them in particular is team RWBY and JNPR...

"WOW! Who would've thought we would see Ms. Glynda smile like that?" Yang said as she looked on to their table, her head on top of her hand. Nora, as usual, excitingly added in "I KNOW RIGHT! I mean- they just look soooooooo CUTE together!"

Though the girls, except for Blake who was more engrossed on her new book, looked on with admiration, Jaune and Ren had different views in this. Suddenly, Jaune voiced out his frustration "Dammit! How could he possibly do that? I mean, I'm wacky! I'm cute! I did what my sisters told me to do! Meanwhile he just... does what he wants and that happens! I-It doesn't make sense at all!"

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