Free From the Shackles

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(y/n) POV

A few hours ago...

"What are you guys doing here this early?" I grumbled out as I opened the door of my own room. Team JNPR was standing outside with their blonde leader standing right up front, obviously wanting some help.

"S-Sir (y/n)... I kinda need your advice right now..." Jaune said, his head down low.

"And why is your whole team with you?" I asked curiously "You're not going to attack me are you? Cause' let me tell you right now, that's not going to end well"

"N-NO SIR! I-I'm just confused and... I trust them enough, they should know as well"

Looking at the four of them, I see that Nora and Ren definitely have some need in counselling, then there's Pyrrha. Poor girl... "Fine, come on in"

My room was almost just like Glynda's, it's just a bit more... child friendly. Instead of books for learning, I have board games. Only a set of small black books and notebooks are the only thing that screams of professionalism in my room; and they only occupy a singly shelf.

"So, what's up?"

"S-sir, I just kinda, wanted to know... how do you do it?" Jaune asked, leaning closer towards me, eager for my answer.

"Do what?" I asked for more clarity.

"You know sir... IT"

Not wanting to ask again, I just decided to go with the first thing that comes to mind. "Doing IT? Well, I'm no expert but, first you'll need protection then consent"

"Ohhh... protection, I didn't know dating could be so dangerous" the moment he said this, all of my thoughts about doing IT changed.

"Oh yes! Of course, dating..." I looked at the three at his back and they seem to have noticed my mistake; good for me they stayed quiet "Why are you asking this Jaune?"

"Sir, I just want some advice on how to get one. Seeing you and Ms. Glynda really woke me up"

Upon saying this, my eyes widen and my heart suddenly skipped a beat; just by hearing her name. Still, knowing her, career goes first "How many times must we tell you, there's nothing between us..." I said, trying my best to hide that small pinch of pain in those words "nothing..."

"But still sir, I-I mean... it just feels like you two are a couple even though you're not" he then sighed out "I just want to know sir how you do it..."

"Listen here Jaune..." Now might be the right time to help Pyrrha out "There are some things you don't get to see nor hear; there are a lot of them. Sometimes, it doesn't matter. You can't explain it, you just feel it. You feel the love behind words of hate, the warmth behind the cold treatment and the comfort behind that harsh action" I said, trying my best to explain.

"Things that you don't get to see nor hear?" he asked, looking like he's confused.

"You won't find faith nor hope down on a microscope Jaune, you just get to feel it" I gave him a light pat on the shoulder "Listen, I know you like Weiss but if you don't get what I'm trying to say then you probably haven't felt it yet. You're just hurting yourself at this point Jaune. I think you should start looking more into the people around you. You never know, you're destined partner just might be right under your nose" I looked intently on Pyrrha who was blushing madly, shading her face just like her hair.

Jaune took notice of this and turned around to his team "Y-You're right sir... thanks! Starting from now on, I'll-" he spoke with great determination "I'll focus on being a great team leader! No more love-life for now!"

So he didn't get my point...

I looked at Pyrrha with apologetic eyes and for a short moment, it was like we had a telepathic conversation.

'I'm sorry Pyrrha, I tried my best'

'Th-thank you sir... and I'm sorry...'

I then turned my attention to the two childhood friends: Ren and Nora "And I'm just directing this to no one in particular" I cleared my throat before finishing my statement "If you really love someone, then you should never hesitate to ask them out on a date. To be able to overcome the fear of rejection, love must be great..."

Hearing myself talk, I feel like I also need to start listening to the things I say. Right! F-For her... I'll ask Glynda out!

Glynda POV

The day before the date...

I stared at my ceiling thinking about tomorrow's event. It was one more day before our date and I already prepared everything; specially my clothes. Somehow, for some reason, just thinking about him makes my heart feel like it's about to burst specially with the idea that we're gonna go out tomorrow.

Ever since we've met, I don't know why but there was always a connection. No matter how many times he annoys me and how many times he has to put up with my violent reactions, we still felt connected to each other, it was as if we were talking no else could hear nor understand.

I remember telling stories to him and opening up to him. I remember feeling furious when that crazy lunatic girl tried to take him for herself and how confused I am for feeling like that. I remember the fear I felt when our last year on Beacon slowly count down and the sadness I felt when he left.

I did my best to forget about it, to try and look for something that'll take me away from that. I turned to my job as a teacher in Beacon and focused deeply in it, hoping it'll cover my previous feelings up. Then he came back and I never felt so happy in my life. My heart skipped a beat, butterflies in my stomach fluttered and it was as if I only met him for the first time.

The pain I feel whenever I told to myself that we're just friends... I wish I could take back those words now... I'm afraid of losing him... I don't want him out of my life... I want us to do all of this again and again together... forever...

This feeling only he could give me... I want to feel it forever and I want it to only come from him and only come to me!

"I-I... I love (y/n)..."

And just like that, after saying that to myself, it feels like I'm free from the shackles I put on myself.

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