Chapter 2: Project
Definition: noun; feelings of severe despondency and dejection
2. ProjectThe day flew by and now I found myself walking home on the sidewalk. I had been walking for a about half a mile now and I was only a couple blocks away from my house.
There was a light drizzle that started to rain down on me, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling against my skin. Times like these, I'm glad that I survived. I'm glad I ran out, I'm glad I got shot, and I'm glad I tried.
I walked up my paved driveway up to my little ranch that my mom and I lived in. I entered through the front door and saw my mom crying on the couch, I instantly sat next to her.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
She looked at me like I was a ghost. "Y-you f-f-forgot?" She stuttered
And that's when it hit me, that tomorrow was the anniversary of my brothers death. Well aren't I a shitty sister, and daughter.
That's when I started to cry. I cried my heart out next to my mom. I should have remembered , how could I forget.
My mom and I stayed like that for a long time, we lost track of time as we reminisced about our good memories about him.
Tomorrow is going to be a really hard day.
I woke up with dried tears in my eyes, with my post traumatic stress disorder kicking in last night and the anniversary today, I couldn't fall asleep, i couldn't talk, and I couldn't walk.
I fell out of bed and reluctantly walked to my closet. Throwing my brothers sweatshirt that says 'Army' on the front and a pair of jeans, I made my way downstairs.
I didn't give a shit about what I was wearing, my hair looked like a rats nest and my cloths had grease stains, but I still held my head up high and walked into the kitchen.
I saw my mom making chocolate chip pancakes in the kitchen, and I couldn't help but smile. These where Coles favorites, and she only made them today and his birthday.
"Hi Mom, do you want to go to the cemetery with me later today?" I asked
She simply shook her head and continued to make pancakes until the plate was piled high.
After the huge breakfast I walked to school, she had always made way to many pancakes, always expecting Cole to walk in and eat them all like he used to.I finally made it to school and saw Dustin and Clara sitting under a tree in the front lawn of the school.
Clara gave me a sad smile as I approached her. "Hi Sam, how you holding up?"
I sat next to her "I'm here aren't I?"
"Yea, I guess. Do you want me to come with you to the cemetery?"
"No it's okay, I can handle it."
Through out this whole conversation Dustin just looked confused. Since I had met Clara on the first day of school, and him 2 months later he doesn't know, It also wouldn't help that he knows nothing about me.
"What happened?" He paused "Did someone die?" He asked jokingly. But when he took a look at my face he quickly realized he was half right.
"Who died, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked cautiously, knowing my temper with things like that.
"It was my brother last year."
He looked sad and gave me a reassuring nod "If it makes you feel any better, I lost my dad."
"How insensitive are you!" Clara yelled and stabbed her elbow in his side
"What! What did I do?" Dustin said, looking taken aback as he rubbed the spot where she injured him.
"It's ok Clara, he doesn't know."
"What don't I know?" Dustin asked
"My dad also died, he died only 2 months before my brother."
He looked surprised and sad at the same time. "I'm so sorry Sam, I didn't know."
"That's ok."
After that conversation the whole trio looked sad, and Dustin looked guilty that he didn't know. Trying to lighten the mood I said "So, do you guys have any plans for the weekend?" I added "maybe we could hang out?"
We later agreed that we would hang out on Saturday at the mall, even though Dustin groaned because he didn't want to go shopping with two girls.
But I pulled the you-owe-me card. Ha.
It was finally the hour before lunch, and I was counting down the minutes. Through out the whole day I have been getting questioning glares to why I wasn't wearing makeup and why I was wearing an army jacket. I just flipped them off and kept walking.
Typical response from the typical Sam Clarke.
"Alright students, we will be doing a partner project about World War Two. You will research each one battle and make a power point about it. And in two weeks you will share it in front of your peers."
Dustin and Clara instantly looked at each other. While I had no idea who my partner would be.
After she let us find a partner, everyone sat next to their friend while I stood their glaring at Clara and Dustin for ditching me.
Now everyone had a partner, but me.
Just great.
I walked up to the front and approached the teachers desk "Mrs. Camelot I don't have a partner. Could I just work by myself?"
She gave me a pointed look and pointed to the middle of the classroom, where none other than Blake Reed was sleeping. "Since he wasn't awake when we found partners, you guys are partners."
I groaned, I slowly walked to his seat afraid that I might wake him up, I sat in my desk next to his, and poked his face. He awoke immediately "fuck, why did you wake me up!?"
"Apparently we are partners, and we need to figure out on what to do."
He just rolled his eyes and went back to sleep in just a few seconds. What the actual fuck, I am not going to be stuck with him for 2 weeks working on a project!
The teacher must have sensed my mood and looked up from grading papers. "Try again and wake him up." She said before looking back down.
I resisted the urge to punch her and poked his face again. This time he bolted right out of his chair and gave me such an angry look, that steam was coming out of his ears and nose. "What the fuck did I tell you about waking me up!" He yelled.
People looked up from their projects and looked startled by his outburst, I looked around the room to notice everyone watching intently.
And than the world was upside down.
Chapter two mission complete!

Military in High School ✓
Novela Juvenilcompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...