Chapter 24: Friday
Friday: noun: a day of the week
24. Friday
It was the big day, and no it wasn't my wedding day. It was the dreaded Friday. I walked into school sporting my New Jersey and my new leg. My prosthetic leg came in yesterday after school and I couldn't be happier to chuck those crutches out of the window. I wore a white tank top and Dylan's jersey with a pair of bell bottom jeans. I've been getting better at driving with my other foot, so I drove myself here in my moms car. Of course she was sitting in the passengers seat yelling instructions at me. I strolled through the two doors to fell a rush of air conditioning swirl around me.Today I was planning on having a normal day, a day I used to have before Blake showed up. I met Clara and Dustin on the third floor and they teased me about Blake, the usual. The bell rang and I was late like no other day, but today this time was different the normality I was chasing disappeared into thin air when Blake walked up to me and looked me up and down. "Why the hell are you wearing that?" He asked angrily.
I ignored him and shamelessly looked him up and down. Because it was game day he was wearing a dress pants, a white button up and a casual black tie. His anger was only fueled when I heard a wolf whistle and turned to see Dylan strolling up to me. Blake stomped away as Dylan came closer, "hey baby doll, your looking really good today. I wonder why?" He trailed off as he looked at his jersey that swallowed me whole.
"I guess it's the fact that it's Friday and the weekend starts in 6 hours."
He ignored my comment. "Are you looking forward to the game? I know we'll win with you standing there."
"If I'm not mistaken, your filtering with me?"
The bell rang before he could finish his sentence so we both walked out separate ways. I walked down to math and sat in my seat. The day went on pretty fast until I found myself at the stadium watching the players run onto the field. Blake and Dylan came out last as the others started to warm up.
The referee blew the whistle to signal for the captains form each team to flip a coin. Dylan ran up and met a scrawny kid on the 50 yard maker. Since this was a home game the crowd was speckled with red and black shirts and jerseys all saying Panthers on them. Clara and Dustin where flirting with each other as the game started, they snapped the ball back to Dylan as they started their play. Dylan faked a pass and ran down the sideline of the field. The crowd started to cheer along with the cheerleaders as he ran, the bleachers shook with the excitement of the crowd as Dylan made the first touchdown of the night. I jumped into the air as I cheered along with everyone else.
As the game continued the sky darkened around us as if someone where putting a black blanket over the world. The stadium lights turned on to illuminate the field as the players kept playing. The panthers where up 14-0 after half time. Clara and Dustin had disappeared about 2 field goals ago. They where probably making out under the stands by now, knowing them. The clock ticked down as the final seconds of the game ticked by, the lakers didn't stand a chance as we took the win as the buzzer sounded around us. The football players did a group hug before heading off into the locker rooms. I stepped of he bleachers and looked around for Dustin and Clara because they where my ride.
I called each of them 3 times with no luck. Dylan came running up to me wearing his suit form earlier with a big grin on his face. "Thanks for coming." He said in between tired pants.
"Yea, it was fun to watch."
"Do you want to come to an after party with me? It'll be fun...?" He said trying to convince me.
"I actually have to get home, unlike you I enjoy my sleep." I stated.
"Fine, do you have a ride?" He asked
"I did, but I think C and D ditched me."
He gave me an understanding nod before looking around. "Blake isn't going to the sorry, he can give you a ride if you'd like?"
I rolled the thought around in my head before nodding. "That would be great actually."
Dylan disappeared into the crowd again. It took him five minutes, but he came back with Blake who was twirling around his keys on his finger. "Let's go." Before waiting for a response he walked towards the parking lot at a fast pace.
I had to jog to catch up to him. He was already at his car when I caught up to him. "Why-do-you-walk-so-fast!?" I said in between breaths.
He hopped into the car and I went into the front seat. He started the car and exited the parking lot. "Thanks for the ride." I said.
"No problem."
"Hey, why are you acting so weird lately?" I asked, my confusion getting the best what of me.
"I haven't been acting wired." He ground out.
"Yes you have, what was this morning than?" I pushed.
"Nothing" he avoided the question. He drove into my driveway and shut off the car. "Here we are."
"Why? Why are you avoiding it?" I asked, pushing the subject even further.
"Just please leave it alone."
"Blake, why the hell are you defensive lately! It's not like you!"
"God damn it it's because I like you! Sam, I like you, and when you where wearing his jersey I got mad. Ok? Are you happy!" He burst out, loosing his temper.
🤔Question: what sports do you play?

Military in High School ✓
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