Chapter 12: Curiosity
Curiosity: noun; a strong desire to know or learn something.
12. CuriosityBlake's POV:
I was walking back and forth between the fireplace and the dinning room table on the other side of the room while Sam looked at me concerned. I gave her a once over, she was still wearing her silly maid costume over her clothes and her hair was still wet from when I threw her in the pool. Her supposed leg was propped up against the couch she was sitting on.
To think the one girl that hasn't given up on me, is a damn robot, the one person who was so consisted in getting me to talk was a fucking mechanical human being.
Are those even real yet?
"Why the hell do you not have a leg?" I asked her, stating off the mental list of questions I had.
I turned towards her and stopped in my tracks when I saw her slowly starting to cry. I might have been a little to harsh.
But hey, she should know by now to not mess with me.
She was struggling for words and finally she stuttered "I-I lost-t it in a-a ac-cident" she managed to get out of her shaking body.
I had to stop the urge from running over there and comforting her. To keep myself from touching her, I sat in the chair opposite of the couch. She looked as if the subject hurt to talk about, so I let it be. If she didn't want to tell me, I wasn't going to push it. But I sure as hell was going to find out before the school year is up.
I'm a very convincing person.
"I-I should go." She said while standing up.
As she got up and started to walk to the door, I turned to her and grabbed her elbow "I'll drive you."
The one thought running through my mind at this point was that I am totally confused about this girl standing in front of me.
Why the hell did I have to come back? Life w you have been so much easier.
She simply nodded. This would be an excuse for her to wrap her arms around my waist, to feel that full spark once again when we touched, I know cheesy but a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do.
I lead her to my motor cycle and I handed her a helmet. Her tears where now gone, and she had a fresh look of confidence painted on her face.
"I'll drive." She said just as quickly as she grabbed the helmet.
I looked at her surprised. That's where I draw the line.
Sam's POV:
I smirked. He probably didn't know that I could drive a motorcycle. Unlike a car, I could actually drive it. It didn't put any strain on my wound, and it gave me a feeling of freedom from my jail of a life. I had my Harley at home, and I wish that I could drive it but my mom took my keys away claiming 'it's too dangerous.'
"Hell no."
"And why the hell not?" I asked cooly.
"It's my motorcycle, so I drive it." He said in a duh tone.
This boy was getting on my nerves. Who does he think he is! I was acting like a 6 year old who didn't get ice cream, and I couldn't care less.
He caved and tossed me the keys and patted the seat in front of him. I gladly caught them and put them in ignition. I threw the helmet to the ground, not wanting to put it on and backed out of the garage with Blake lightly holding onto my waist.
I turned to him. "You might want to hold a little tighter, I have the need for speed."
"What you need is a helmet." He said.
"Like I could care less what other body parts I loose."
And without waiting for a response I rev the engine and head off down the street.
I was the happiest person alive at this very moment. My mom had just handed me my keys to my beautiful Harley motorcycle! I almost cursed at how happy I was. The fact that I told Blake one of my secrets yesterday didn't get me down. I ran, or hobbled to my bike and hopped onto the leather sets and instantly felt powerful.
I arrived at school after a joyride on my bike around the neighborhood. Because I didn't have to walk, I had plenty of time to talk to Clara. I parked my bike and took my helmet off. Today I felt a little bad ass, and wore my leather jacket and ripped jeans with a white tank top. To top it off I was wearing aviator sunglasses. My hair flew out of the helmet and settled on my shoulders. I took my glasses off and set them on top of my head, only to see a million pairs of eyes on me. Clara instantly ran up and gawked.
"You didn't tell me you owned a motorcycle!" She said.
"You never asked" I smirked.
She shut her mouth closed at my comeback and we walked to the double doors of the school. As we walked in, I got more stares of my fellow classmates.
Who's the new girl?
Is that Sam Clarke?
When did she get a bike, let alone learn to drive one?
I ignored all the stares and walked to my locker. Clara was ranting about how Dustin didn't buy her flowers for their 23rd week anniversary. I couldn't care less, but I nodded in agreement anyway.
That's when I saw Blake coming over to me. He smirked and leaned against the locker in front of me. Clara stood aside with a questioning glance at the two of us. "Hey Sam. We need to talk." He said, his smile turning serious.
My new found confidence faltered. I did not want to talk about yesterday, that was the one day my walls crumbled and I lost all my confidence in myself. It just happened to be in front of Blake. Blake's face turned into a questioning glare as he looked over my shoulder when an arm slipped over my shoulder.
"Dustin, you'll anger you girlfriend." I quipped jokingly.
I looked up expecting to see my best friends face, but instead I was met with the smirk of my older brother. If I could, I probably would have fainted right then and there.
Wasn't he supposed to be dead?
My eyes instantly teared up and I poked his cheek. "Are you real?" I asked out of habit, knowing all to well this could be a dream.
He simply nodded and embraced me in a bear hug, one that I've missed for so long.
🤔Question for those who read the authors note: Do you have any siblings?---->

Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...