Chapter 32: airplane
Airplane: noun: a form of transportation
32. Airplane
My mouth went dry as I saw the familiar green eyes stare into mine, the body seated right next to me 45,000 feet in the air."Go on, explain." Blake urged, his face stone hard.
"I-I-uh... how?"
"I ask the questions, answer now."
"I can't." I lied, the last thing I wanted to tell him was why I had to leave.
"Clarke, Dustin already told me, but I need to hear you say it." He persisted.
"I'm deployed ok! Jesus..." I muttered. "Why the hell are you here if you already knew? Huh!" I asked, my blood starting to boil.
"I-I never got to say goodbye. Now you need to tell me where your going."
"Ugh, let me think about it. Nope, I'll pass."
I put my earbuds back in and blocked out Blake and the world. It's one thing that he knows that I'm being deployed, he doesn't need to know where.
I can't sit here for another 4 hours next to the one person who broke my heart. And I broke his. He poked me for the millionth time in the past minute, and it was starting to bruise my arm. "Blake what the hell!?"
"You still haven't told me."
"Well I don't want to tell you." I shot back. "Now will you leave me alone?"
I turned to face him in my seat and he did the same, our knees touched and I had to suppress the feeling that the flying sparks gave me. "Blake I don't want to tell you."
His anger started to show on his face as his persistence grew by the minute. "Sam you need to tell me, you can't hold back secrets anymore."
The flight attendant interrupted our conversation to ask what we wanted to drink. After ordering I came up with an idea. "I'll only tell you if you tell me how you got here."
"Only if you go first." Blake reasoned.
"Hell no, I know you Reed. You go first."
"Fine. After Dustin told me that you where still employed I followed him out and demanded answers. Of course he said that of he told me, Clara would castrate him."
I laughed at that one, only Clara.
"So I went to the one person Clara had no power over." He continued.
Oh no he didn't, he is so dead when I see him next.
"I went to Dylan's house and asked him, of course he is an open book and told me everything, like how your flight left at 8:32am and how your going to North Carolina. But the one thing he didn't tell me was where your going after that."
Ok, I take my death threat back. But he's still in big trouble.
"And that's how I got here, now you need to tell me."
I held a finger up. "I still have one more question. How long are you going to be in North Carolina and where are you staying?"
"As longs as I want, and where ever your staying."
"Sorry Charlie, you can't stay at the base." I countered, happy that he won't be with me 24/7.
"Now tell me." Blake commanded.
"Nope, I won't and can't tell you."
Blake let out a long groan at my stubbornness. "CLARKE!"
"Yes?" I asked innocently.
"We made a deal."
"Did we shake on it?" I asked.
"Well no-"
"Well than I'm not obligated to tell you." I interrupted.
We landed, and I rushed off the plane as fast as I could, away from Blake. What did I ever see in him?The whole plane ride consisted of Blake poking me saying it was unfair and that I should tell him, but I didn't want him to worry about where I am, and if I'm in danger.
No one deserved that type of burden.
Even someone as annoying as Blake Reed.
I rushed towards the car waiting for me and threw open the door, I had lost Blake in the baggage claim area and took that opportunity to run away from him. I hopped into the car and told the driver to take me to the Army base. Once we got onto the highway I settled into my seat and turned on the radio. 'Mercy' by Shawn Mendes flowed through the speakers.
The car drive was only a half an hour until we reached the base. I said thank you and payed the man more money than I needed before I got out and headed into the building.
"Well if it isn't Colonel Clarke!"
I turned and saw Kurt Thomas standing in all his glory and I ran over and gave him a big hug. Finally, one person who I recognized in this location.
"Hey Kurt, do you know where the General is?"
He nodded and pointed down the hallway. "All the way down and take a left at the last door, he's in there."
I thanked him and followed his directions. I stepped into the office and was greeted with 10 pairs of eyes looking at me in anticipation. The General came up to me and shook my hand. "Clarke, welcome back. This will be your new group of men."
I nodded and waved at all the awaiting eyes. "Hey everyone. I'm Sam Clarke, but you probably already know that." I joked, a couple of people chuckled but the rest stayed silent.
Tough crowd.
"You'll be staying in your own room, you will train these men until we find your group fit to be deported." The General said.
I nodded. "When do we start?"
"When ever your ready to make them sweat blood."
I smirked, this is going to be fun. The men looked petrified now as I gave them an evil like grin. I was going to put them through hell and back as many times as I could.
I turned on my heel and headed to my room to set down my bag and change. I found it with ease and opened the door, it was a decent sized room with a twin sized bed in the corner and a bathroom door on my right. The room had two windows and a writing desk in the corner. I was quick to make myself at home and change into my field uniform. I threw the jacket on my bed so I wouldn't over heat in the North Carolina sun.
I met my team in the work out room and gathered them in a circle. "I'm not good at introductions, so we'll just get started right away shall we?"
Note: y'all are too awesome, 13,000 reads! Insane! This chapter was 1141 words and 6 pages long
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Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...