Chapter 6. Reveal
Reveal: verb; make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others.
6. Reveal"We have time."
I took a deep breath and looked at my two best friends "I'm sorry but I can't show you here."
In the half a year I have been here, I never thought I would tell them this soon. I always thought I would tell them when I was ready, not when I was forced to.
They looked at me confused "Show? What do you mean by show?" Dustin asked calmly, not wanting to scare me into backing out.
"I'll tell you guys later." I promised, trying to get away from this touchy subject.
"Look Sam if it's that important, we can just go to my house and you can show us there?" Clara asked.
You could tell they where walking on eggshells around me, because they knew if they said the wrong thing I might change my mind and not tell them. I just nodded in agreement. "When?"
They both looked at each other and must have agreed on something telepathically. "Now?" Dustin suggested.
I knew they wouldn't let this go so I said fine. We walked off to her car. I sat in the back row, knowing Dustin would want the front. I was nervous about telling them, but skipping school felt exciting! Clara's house wasn't that far away so it only took a couple of agonizing minutes to get there. The whole time I just thought of ways to break it to them.
'Hey! I don't have a leg!'
No that won't work, maybe 'I've gotten shot at!"
No that doesn't sound right either.
All to soon we where at her house. They walked in first as I trailed behind. I knew I couldn't make up any excuses because they would see right through my lies.
Ironic isn't it? I've been lying to them this whole time, but they knew me well enough to see though me.
Dustin sat on the couch with Clara under his arm. Even though the air was filled with intensity, I couldn't help but think how cute they looked!
I sat down in the chair across from them. "This feels like therapy." I joked, but all they gave back was a stern look.
Damn, just trying to make this whole situation better.
"Ugh fine I'll tell you." I took a deep breath and counted to ten "Just can you not freak out?"
They just nodded in response. I stood up and started to take my pants off. "Whooo there Sam, this is not a strip tease!" Dustin said covering his eyes.
I laughed "Dustin it's not a strip tease, this is what I have to show you!"
He put his arm back down but didn't look convinced. "Fine, I'll go about this another way." I bought out loud.
I walked close to them. "Tap my left leg."
They looked at me weird. "Why?" Clara said.
"Just do it. If you don't then I guess you won't know my secret." I deadpan. Right when I said that they both lunged forward and poked my knee.
"Are you a robot!" Dustin yelled "Cuz that would be cool!"
This time I pulled down my pants, my shirt was long enough to cover my underwear but not long enough to cover my legs. They looked at my leg with utter terror. Both their faces went from laughing at Dustin's outburst to having no color at all. Clara had her mouth wide open, while Dustin had started to poke it.
"Sam! What happened to you?" Clara screamed.
"See that's the thing, this is my secret."
"How long has it been gone?" She asked, curiosity poking through her facade she was falsely putting on.
"A couple of months."
"Did it happen to you before you met us?"
"Yes." I said, somewhat shy now that I was exposed.
"How?" Dustin added
"That's the long part of the story."
"You can tell us." Clara piped up.
And so it began, the long story of my past year. "I was in the military when it happened, my brother and I where in Afghanistan. We where doing a routine check on the nearby town when the Taliban spy's started to shoot." I took a deep breath, my voice getting shaky. "We where under heavy artillery. My brother was hit in the chest, I ran over to help him and he died right before my eyes."
I started to cry. My friends ran over and gave me a bear hug. "It's ok Sam, it's not your fault."
"But it is! Don't you see? I could have saved his life!" I yelled. "After he died everything went black, I was later told that a bomb exploded near the house we where near. That's how I lost my leg."
They didn't ask anymore questions. I guess they had nothing to say. We just sat there for what felt like forever enveloped in a bear hug. I felt good to open up about what had happened. Besides the government, no one else knew.
Until now. I had broken in front of them, and I couldn't have felt better about my self.
It was dead silence after I told them and broke down but I felt better for telling them.
We where now having a sleepover at my house. I decided to change into shorts and a tank top, now that they know my secret I don't have to cover it up anymore.
I walked down happy with my choice of pj's. I sat down next to them on the couch ready to watch a movie, I really wanted to watch Hercules but Clara popped in Frozen.
Of course I pouted, I wanted to watch Hercules really bad.
She noticed my expression. "Sam please let me watch Frozen! I don't have it on DVD at my house!" She complained.
I gave up the pointless fight with Elsa herself and they put in the movie. I wasn't interested in the movie because I've watched this movie at least 20 times-that's what you get for being friends with Clara. I glanced up from my phone to see that my friends weren't watching the movie either, they where watching leg.
"You guys, why are you staring at me?" I demanded.
They paused the movie and stared at me. "You expect us to learn your secret and not be surprised? It's kinda weird to not see a leg on your friend when you always thought they had one!" Dustin said
"I'm sorry, I told you if you have any questions to ask me. If your curious I will answer." I clarified. I didn't want them to wonder and not have the opportunity to ask.
"Why did you join?"
"Ok so maybe that's the one question I can't answer." I said sheepishly
"Why not?"
"I just don't want to talk about it! Ok?"
"Fine. Want to finish the movie?" Clara suggested.
Than there was silence, I went to my room and changed into long pants because I felt insecure again. I thought that telling them would make me feel better.
I was wrong.
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Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...