41. Bonus chapter
Bonus Chapter: noun; cuz why not?
41. Bonus chapter!🚨this chapter happens after the sequel, warning! Read Military in College so you don't get confused!
"Blake! Shut up!"
"But it hurts." He whined, rubbing his finger where he was cut.
"God Blake, it's a paper cut. At least it's not a bullet wound."
"It still hurts." He mumbled as I bandaged it with a my little pony band aid.
He hopped off the table and smiled at me before walking out of the tent. I followed closely behind him as we enter the hot air of Afghanistan.
Of course I would come here again. They refused to send me any where else. We walked into Kurt's tent and sat down on his cot.
He was grabbing a deck of cards to entertain our selves with, only because we couldn't do any thing else.
No cell service sucks.
Kurt strolled in and with a grin and he wiggled a piece of paper in front of my face, I reached out to grab it only for him to pull it out of my reach. "Kurt, what is it?"
He chuckled as he looked at it. "It's a photo of you on your first tour."
I almost choked on air as I remember taking that photo. "Give me that photo." I demanded.
He shook his head. "I think your boyfriend here would rather see it."
Blake smiled and looked at the picture. After he spotted me in the group of men he bursts into a fit of laughter, holding his stomach as he fell down in hysterics.
I snatched the photo and cringed at my brace, acne and my awkward pose in the group of older men. God my 17 year old self was very ugly, even I had to admit it.
"You. Where. A. Brace. Face!" Blake yelled in between laughs as he pointed at me. "Train Tracks!"
I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest. "Idiot."
That was only five years ago, what a glow up. Blake came over to me and smiled inches away from my face. "Your Idiot." He corrected.
He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. He pulled away too soon and I let a content sigh leave my lips as we pulled apart.
You could say we've come a long way since we left 4 months ago. We sat down on the cot and he put an arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into him.
Kurt just laughed at us and pulled a chair up next to the bed and a table. He shuffled the cards and handed them out, apparently we where playing queen of hearts; a game I've never played before.
Before Kurt and Blake could explain it to me we heard someone shouting outside and I rushed out, pushing the tent flaps aside as I ran out and towards the yelling.
"Leaving in 10 minutes, get ready!"
I went up to our commander. "Why wasn't I given any warning of this?"
"Your needed here, your troop is combining with Kurt Thomas's troop."
I growled swear words under my breath as I turned and stormed up to Blake and Kurt. I poked Kurt hard in the chest. "Did you know?"
His hands flew into the air. "They just told me Clarke."
I huffed. "Blake, your going with Kurt."
He nodded, a somewhat sad expression on his face as he started to walk back to gather his stuff for the mission.
A lot has changed since high school, after our tour in Afghanistan four years ago we went and finished college and now we both made it back to the place where it all started for me.
Blake came back out wearing his camo-jacket and he was carrying his back pack. He headed over to the trucks and I met him there.
"Who knew."
"Who knew what?" I asked.
"That I'd be dating the prettiest lady in all of base camp."
I snorted and hit him in the arm. "I'm the only girl here." I reminded him.
He shrugged. "Exactly."
"So what's this mission for anyway?" I asked before we got too of topic.
"There's an informant in the next town over."
My heart stopped, that's exactly what happened with Cole and I so long ago. Same situation, hopefully not the same outcome. Why couldn't I go, I couldn't let anything happen to Blake.
Blake held my chin so I was looking at him. "Hey, nothing bad is going to happen." He assured, knowing exactly what I was thinking by looking at my facial expressions.
"Hey love birds, Blakey-poo needs to go!" David yelled from the truck.
Blake laughed and hopped in. He leaned across the door and kissed me. Once we separated, the trucks rumbled to life and I stepped back.
Before they left Blake turned around and gave me a smile. "Hey Clarke?"
"Will you marry me?"
Did he just say what I think he said?!
My heart stopped and a grin overtook my face. "Sure, I got nothing better to do."
He laughed and the truck went off down the worn out path, Blake, my fiancé, waving goodbye and blowing kisses before they turned the corner.
God, I love my life.
Note: do ya love me, or do ya love me?
I finally gave y'all a glimpse at their oh-so-wonderful life!
🤔Question: would y'all like another one?-->

Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...