Note: I fainted an hour ago.
Oh, did you want to know why?
Well let me tell you, I had finished tennis practice and came home, I opened up my phone and logged onto wattpad, and you know what I saw?That MILITARY IN HIGH SCHOOL REACHED #235 IN TEEN FICTION!
Ok, you can continue reading now :)
Chapter 30: fudge nuggets
Fudge nuggets: noun; a made up word by your one and only author :)
30. Fudgenuggets"Why the hell are you playing with my emotions? Huh!" Blake yelled.
"Tell me now! Why?"
"I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back."
"Where are you going? Schools not even over yet, and your leaving. Your going to leave, and throw away everything you've built here." He took a deep breath to calm himself down and ran a hand through his hair. "You need to tell me."
"You don't understand! Why can't you just understand?"
"Understand what? You haven't told me anything." He pounded his fist against the brick wall of the school.
The wind blew my hair around, creating a wall with my hair to shield myself from the enraged Blake. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't bring myself to tell him I could die soon, that my future is as much of a mystery as he is.
Without responding I walked away from the school where Blake was standing and I shuffled towards the front entrance, I looked for my car until I realized my mom drove me this morning.
I mentally scolded myself and pulled out my phone to call her. It rang once before my mom picked up her phone. "Hello?"
"Hi mom, I need a ride home."
"Sorry honey, I can't. Ask Clara." She suggested.
She hung up before I could respond. Of course the one time I needed a ride, my options dry up. I looked behind me to find that Blake had left on his motorcycle, taking the last vehicle out of the parking lot.
Well fudge nuggets!
I turned on my heel and began walking home, this is such a great way to end a long day at school. Note the sarcasm.
I reached home in one piece, and trudged through the front door. Soaking. Wet. Yea, you heard me right, the supposedly perfect weather turned on me and down poured on my umbrella-less self.
My brother came bounding down the stairs, took one glance at me and started to laugh his head off. I shot daggers at him and hobbled upstairs and into my closet, I grabbed my army sweatshirt and sweatpants and quickly changed out of the wet cloths.
After a minute of collecting myself I picked up my phone and called the only person I wanted to talk to right now.
"What do you want?"
"We need to talk."
"Like hell we don't, why do you expect me to talk to you when you broke up with me the minute we got together? Huh? Just answer me." Blake said angrily.
"You never let me explain myself."
"Well than send a letter, because your voice makes me sick."
With that he hung up and I threw my phone against the wall, shattering it into a million pieces. Fuck!
Why won't he listen to me? I need to talk to him sooner than later.
Blake's POV:I threw my phone down on the ground and pulled at my hair hoping to distract me from the pain that Clarke's putting my heart through.
What possible reason does she have on leaving me?
I kicked over the trash can in my room and stormed out of my house, passing the dented door and the pool that held so many memories. Our memories.
I hopped on my bike and booked it down the street, I needed to clear my mind, I didn't want to think of the one time I gave my heart to someone that they would turn around and chuck it on the floor. Even someone as amazing as Clarke.
I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts riddled in my mind. I made it to my destination and stomped up to the doors and walked right in, past the bouncer. The head bartender gave me a nod, and started to open up a Spotted Cow Beer. I sat at the end of the bar and chugged the bear as if it where my last, my headed started to feel buzzed and the happy-go-lucky feeling associated with beer dragged me in.
I've only been here an hour and I had 3 empty beer bottles in front of me, and a full one in my hand. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned to see Dustin standing in all his perfect-relationship glory.
Ugh, why the hell is he here?
"Blake, you need to talk to Sam."
"What if I don't want to? What if I want her to feel the same way I do right now. Leave me alone."
I turned back around and tossed my head back taking a swig of the beer. Dustin snatched it from me and set it down on the counter top.
"Stop drowning yourself in beer and grow a pair! You need to talk to her, she's broken without you, at this moment, my girlfriend ditched me to go buy ice cream for a heartbroken soldier, man up already."
"I don't need a lecture, so just get out before I force you out." I threatened. Dustin's face turned sour before he checked his watch and glanced back up at me.
"I don't have time for your bullshit Blake, this is your one chance it talk to her and your blowing it."
"I have all the time in the world to talk to her, it's only December you jack ass."
Dustin rubbed his forehead in frustration before giving me a glare. "If she won't tell you, I will." He said under his breath.
"Tell me what? Huh!"
"She's leaving! Ok! She's leaving town, and for all we know, the country! God dammit!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the table before storming off.
What does he mean by leaving the country? That jack ass needs to finish his story. I stormed up to where he was walking and turned him forcefully around.
"What do you mean by leaving?"
"She's still enlisted Blake, you connect the dots."
With that he left without another word and slammed the Bar's door behind him.
What have I done?
Note: hold the phone! We reached #235 in Teen Fiction! OMG! 😍
*while accepting the award* "I would like to thank my mom and dad, and of course my wonderful readers, there the ones who got me here!"
🤔Question: favorite tv show?--->

Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...