Chapter 8: run
Run: noun; to make fast movements in a certain direction
8. RunHis eyes were burning with an intensity that I couldn't describe, he was mad. He stormed up to me and I did what any sane person would do,
I ran.
I ran all the way down the hill and to the cemetery parking lot. I could see him behind me, but my leg was killing me and I had to slow to a walk to save myself additional pain.
I gave up speed walking when I saw saw him catching up to me. I was breathing heavily, but he looked completely fine, damn that boy is fit.
"Wow, I've never seen a girl with such low stamina."
"Jeez, I'm flattered." I bluntly stated, sarcasm dripping from my words.
"Why are you here?" He asked angrily, the look returning to his eyes.
"Wouldn't you like to know." I quipped. I rolled my eyes and began to walk away but he grabbed my wrist spinning me around.
"Why are you here?" He repeated with more force.
"It's none of your beeswax."
He laughed at my response. "Whatever you saw, whatever it was, if you tell anyone you'll get punished."
"Fine hotshot, but for what it's worth I don't think it could ruin your self inflated ego."
He mocked self hurt at my remark by putting his hand on his chest. He recovered and added "You know I feel like ever since this year started I've seen you everywhere." He commented, almost like he was trying to have a conversation with me, how chivalrous.
"Well I guess I have blessed you with my presence allot this year." I smirked.
I turned around and started to walk, glad that I had the last words. This time he didn't stop me and I was glad that I distracted him with my stupid excuses. I made my way home as the sun started to set behind the town.
The word home still feels foreign to me.
My teeth clattered as I stuffed my hands in my sweatshirt pockets. It was drizzling out and I was freezing my ass off.
A car pulled up next to the sidewalk I was walking on and I might have jumped out of my skin.
No worries though people, I know self defense.
A guy in a dark coat came out of the car and came towards me. He waved at me and I waved back thinking he was friendly.
He wasn't.
He bolted towards me and grabbed my hands. He turned me around and pinned me on the floor. I tried to kick him as he tried to tie my hands together, but he wouldn't budge.
I normally can easily pin people down if they attack me, but this guy was strong-much stronger than me. So I did the only sane thing that was available, I screamed as loud as I could.
Only if I had a rape whistle right about now.
"Be quiet!" He demanded in response to my self defense skills.
And that's when I realized who it was, his voice could stand out in a crowd. He has been following me for months. He was my brothers best friend and he blames me for Cole's death, even when I was the only one who ran into the fire and tried to save him, but of course he couldn't get that through his thick skull.
"Get off me!" I yelled.
He put a cloth in my mouth to muffle my screams. He was done tying my hands behind my back and roughly dragged me up towards his car. He dragged me by my collar as he opened the back seats door.
All of a sudden, he let go and fell to the ground, and that's when I saw Blake punching him into the ground like a pulp. My brothers friend, Jake was crying out in pain. Blake didn't stop, and I couldn't stand hearing the screams anymore.
I was brought back to Afghanistan and I started to cry. My vision was blurred and I blacked out.
My ultimate pain mechanism.
I woke up in my bed with my mom sleeping in my chair in the corner. My prosthetic leg was leaned up against the wall, even though I usually sleep with it on.
Great. Now I have to hop to get to my leg.
Now that I think about that sentence, I never thought Id ever say that in my entire life. Supper ironic isn't it?
I hobbled over to my leg and grabbed it. I try to hobble somewhere to sit but my one good leg has failed me, once again.
My butt hits the floor an I knock over a lamp on my way down. My mom jumps from her chair and looked around the room to see what the source of the noise was, when she realized I wasn't in the bed she looked on the floor and saw me sprawled on the floor rubbing my butt.
"Honey! I'm sorry! Here let me help you with your leg." She said, jumping at the chance to help me off the ground.
She lifted me up on the chair she was once sitting on and helped strap my leg back into place.
After she got done putting on my limb I finally built up enough courage to ask her the question that's been nagging me, "What happened last night? And how did I end up in my room?"
"Blake didn't tell me any details but that you got in trouble so he brought you here."
I made a mental note to ask Blake what happened last night. "Why did you take off my leg?"
"So that I would know when your awake. It clearly worked." She laughed at her own-somewhat clever-trick.
I laughed along with her knowing all to well that I would have never gone to her when I woke up.
She knows me way to well.
I ran past my math class doors in order to get to Blake, almost tripping over myself as I finally made it to where he was standing next to his own locker. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around with an enraged facade.
"What the hell happened last night? Blake yelled "Why where you being dragged to a car?"
"Long story." I looked down ashamed that he saw that side of my life. "Can you tell me what happened after I blacked out?" I asked after I looked back up when my face started to turn to a normal shade.
"You scared me half to death and I carried you to your house." He exclaimed.
"What happened to the guy?"
"I took care of it."
"What do you mean you 'took care of it'" I asked putting air quotes up for the last part.
He smirked "Long Story."
With that he walked back to his class.
Ugh! He used my own words against me!
I also have an Instagram- @livflower go give it a follow and always keep up for when a new chapter is out!

Military in High School ✓
Teen Fictioncompleted (: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Four months ago Sam Clarke's life turned upside down. Four months ago she was involved in a scheduled checkup on a nearby Afghanistan town when eve...