Chapter Two: Bonfires and Vampires

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Chapter Two: Bonfires and Vampires

It seemed like the end of the week came quickly. It was already the end of the day, but I stayed between the aisles of the book shelves to read. Ever since I figured out Stefan was a Salvatore I went into deeper research.

I actually found a clear picture and boy, he must be his doppëlganger or something because they look exactly alike. The hair was parted in the middle and the clothes were the only difference.

History class was a whoot. Stefan managed to argue with Tanner before I could. He stole my thunder, but I don't mind. It's time someone else gave their opinion and told the right answer. Even if it was exactly what I was going to say.

I made sure to wear a coat, knowing it was September and the nights would chill. I chose to wear a scarf as well. Ignore the itch if it'll keep you warm.

I got a ride with Bonnie and Elena. I was the back seat driver. They were in warm othing like myself. I was nervous, I'd never been to the back to school bonfire. Being around teenagers that were obviously illegally drinking wasn't my thing.

I was lead by them to way into the forest. It was easy to spot the huge bonfire. At least ten feet tall and growing. My foot had already hit a few beer bottles on the way in.

Caroline was already standing by the wooden gazebo with a beer in hand. I walked over to her, leaving Bonnie and Elena to get a drink.

"Hey Caroline." I greeted. There was a sad smile that played on her lips.

"Willa, can I ask you a question? I know you'll answer it honestly." She asked.


"Why don't guys go after me? I can be anything they want and they never come to me." Not the question I was expecting.

"Because..." my eyes wondered to a movement in the trees.

It was Stefan. Caroline's head perked up when she saw what I was looking at. It seemed like he was making his to Elena and Bonnie. Until Caroline stepped in his way.

"You came!" She stated with a big smile. Stefan nodded.

"I did."

"You want a drink? Or, we could do something else?" Caroline tried to flirt, seduce, or whatever it was, but it wasn't cutting it for Stefan.

He wore a tight smile. "Look Caroline. I'm sure you're a great girl. But I don't think this will happen." He said, both hands on her shoulders before passing by her.

"Hi." I said, putting a hand on his arm. He turned and smiled at me.

"Hi Willa." I let him go after that.

Caroline was frowning at me. Then I answered her question.

"Because you try to hard. To be someone you're not. Be yourself and someone will love you for it."


I stood by a tree, holding a still full beer in my hand. I wasn't a drinker, nor did I like the taste, but some stranger handed it to me.

I spotted Jeremy leaning against a tree as well, a half empty beer in his hand. I wasn't going to say anything to Elena. He was going through that phase we all go through. The dark and depressing stage. Though he had a completely different reason to.

I think Caroline left with Bonnie, saying something about going to the Grill to sober up. Instead of facing their parents with the smell of alcohol.

Stefan approched me, hands in his pockets and a friendly smile. "You don't drink? I thought all teens jumped at that opportunity?" He joked.

I held it out to him. "I'm not that big a drinker. It tastes nasty anyways. Take it." Which he did, twisting off the Cao and taking a sip.

"You seem to stay off to the side. Quiet. How come?" He asked.

"I'm a naturally quiet person. I don't associate myself with people much. That's Bonnie's job." I put my hands in my own pocket and began walking towards the fire to warm up.

"You should step outside the box. Do something unexpected." Stefan suggested. "You shouldn't live your life safe. Do it a little differently so you don't regret anything."

"Sounds a little cliché, don't you think?" I joked. He let out a small smile as he looked to the ground.

"Everything these days sounds cliché." He commented.

I kicked a stone. " and Elena?" He gave me an eye.

"What about that?" He said. I turned to him.

"Seriously? You know what. You and her, that little escape to the bridge? You must've had a moment." I said. Mostly to take the attention off of me.

"She told me about her parents. I guess you could say it was a moment." He shrugged. Oh.

"It sucks, your family just gone in the blink of an eye." I said, talking about Elena and a little of myself. Though my sister hadn't died it seemed like she fell off the face of the earth.

Suddenly there was a scream. Our attention was turned to Matt and Jeremy who were pulling Vicky Donovan out of the forest and onto and bench.

We raced over and nd saw her unconscious body, her throat bleeding profoundly. I subconsciously pull my scarf tighter around my neck and gulped.

When I looked beside me, Stefan was gone. Like the blood was sickening to his stomach that he had to leave.


Vicky was okay. She was still admitted in the hospital, but Matt told us some strange things. Vicky had muttered something about vampires. The mythical creatures of the night. The ones that suck blood and have the ability to compell any human.

Something so mythical it was surreal to even think they exist. Then again, what better place to be than the town that had 'Mystic' in the name.

Elena, Matt, Bonnie and I sat outside during free period. They talked more about last night while I read out of a new book. It was the journal from the 1800's, I just couldn't pin point the exact date.

"Willa, watch out!" I heard Elena exclaim. I turned my head to see a football rushing to me. I put my book aside and reach my hands out, catching the football, though the force from it's speed made me lean back a little bit.

Stefan had his hands out, as if ready to catch it for me. He chuckled at me, dropping his arms. I looked back to see the fallen face of Tyler Lockwood. "Willa, I'm so sorry." I passed ball to Stefan, letting him throw the football better than I ever would.

"It's fine! Tests my reflexes." I said as the football knocked Tyler back a bit. I nodded at Stefan with a smile before looking back at the journal. Stefan looked at it, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you reading?" He asked. I gave it to him.

"A journal. I just don't know what year it's from. I haven't gotten that far to ehen they started putting the dates in." I said.

"1864." Stefan said, reading a few words before giving it back.

"How'd you know?" He pointed to the small writing in the corner. The date. Well what do you know.

"With a throw like that, you should be on the football team. We could use you." Elena commented.

"I'm not really into sports." Stefan said.

Elena was right though. He seemed like he could be a really good player.

"You should. At least try out. See if you're up to Tanner's standards." I encouraged.

Stefan chuckled. "We'll see."


Bad way to end it but oh well. TVD has ended but I will continue to write about that fabulous show that I love so much until my fingers crumble.

Much love, Ansley

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