Chapter Six: Gifts and Disappearing Wounds

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Chapter Six: Gifts and Disappearing Wounds

The next day was game day, followed with a Pep rally. The whole school joined together to watch and join in. I sat by at the base of a tree, inspired to actually start writing myself. Maybe it was the lost journal, or the fact that Elena wrote, but I thought it was a good idea.

"Oh, look at you, all hot in your jersey." I hear Elena comment as Stefan approches her.

"What happened? No uniform?" Stefan mentions.

"I quit. I'm a quitter." She says.

"Hey no, you're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person. You should be looking ahead. You should be starting over." He says. Very therapeutic.

"I hope you don't think this is too soon, or too weird, but...I, uh, I wanted you to have this." I didn't pay attention to what it was, but by the sounds of it Elena was awestruck.

A few words later and I put my head down as soon as they kissed. Again I was happy for them. Unlike Caroline.

"And you're not in your uniform because?" Hands on hips, Caroline confronts Elena.

As I continue to write, Stefan finds me and stands over me with a smile. "Writing in a journal huh?" He speaks.

"Yeah. I feel inspired. Write my life down so others can read it in the future. If they want to learn about Mystic Falls in the past." I say and I stand up.

"Good way to look at it." He replies.

"We're friends right?" He asks suddenly. I raise an eyebrow.

"Of course."

"Then it wouldn't be too weird for me to give you something?" I smile.

"By all means please, but be warned I may get you something as a thank you. It's a habit." He laughs as he pulls something out from behind him.

It was a metal bracelet, with a little case holding some type of herb. It was cute. That was really sweet of him. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

I hold my wrist out and he places it on my wrist. "I made it, so I'm glad you don't hate it."

"Homemade gift. Even better." I smile. I stretch my arms out and take the opportunity to give him a hug.

He wraps his arms around me tightly and hugs back. It feels nice to be in his arms. Safe. I liked it.


Everyone surrounded the huge fire being made behind the school. The school band was play and everyone cheered for the fire with a terribke replica of our opposing team. Pep rallies always got everyone hyped.

Tanner says wait at least ten times into the microphone to calm everyone down. Seems like he didn't care about the underage drinking going round.

"Now let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us!" The crowd booed.

"But that is about to change." The crowd cheered. "Starting tonight on the offensive line, and I'm going to tell you right now, it's been about long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these." Tanner encourages.

I know he's talking about Stefan. His football skills are amazing. Overall tell he best player on our team. Tanner calls out his name, Stefan Salvatore and cheers. I see Tyler say something to Matt. He's pissed of course.

I follow him out from the crowd and watch him approched Vicki. But Jeremy catches his eye. I follow out and stop Vicki from going forward.

Tyler punched Jeremy, pushes him against the truck and makes a bottle break in the process. Vicki continues to tell Tyler to stop, but he doesn't.

I walk over and try to pull Tyler off, which is a big mistake on my part. Tyler turns and his fist hits the first thing it sees, which turns out to be my face.

And let me tell you, getting punched in the face hurts.

"Willa!" Vicki exclaims, rushing to my side. She lifts me up to a sitting position. I touch the side of my face and come back with blood. Shit.

"Tyler! Stop it!" He doesn't seem to care what anyone says, or the fact that he punched me.

"Enough he's down! He's down!" Stefan exclaims, catching Tyler'a fist.

Tyler turns and stands, suddenly punching Stefan, but gets no reaction. Stefan must be built because I've never seen someone not show any pain from a punch, or even a reaction.

Jeremy suddenly grabs the broken handle of the bottle and goes to swipe Tyler with it, when Stefan pushes Tyler away and takes the hit himself.

I gasp, wanting to get up my Vicki keeps me down. Elena confronts Jeremy once Mat grabs Tyler and makes him leave.

"Let me see your hand! Is it deep? How bad is it?" Elena fusses, only to see his hand was fine.

"It's not my blood. It's okay. I'm okay." He promises.

"It's almost game time. I'll see you after." Stefan says.

I make Vicki help me stand, grabbing Stefan's shoulder. "Stefan." I call.

He turns to me and I see his face fall. His fingers touch my head and I wince. "He punched you." Stefan hisses.

"It was my fault. I got into it when I know I shouldn't have." I say, keeping a hand on the side of my head.

Suddenly I see Stefan's eyes do something. Like veins popping out and his eyes darkening. "Are you okay?" I ask.

He then rubs his eyed and nods, the veins asked darkness completely dissappearing. I must have asked concussion.

"I'll see you after the game." He promises as well before giving me a quick hug and leaving.


Vicki made sure I got home safe, insisted on staying until I was sure I wouldn't go unconscious. It was quiet, and I felt bad for leaving before Stefan's game.

But blacking out during it wouldn't be the best. Elena texted me after the game to tell me that Tanner was dead.

To be honest, it chilled me to the bone. He was a good guy, just a douche out the outside. I guess no more battles back and forth because of his terrible knowledge of history.


A shorter one than the usual ones I've made but it's okay :) thanks for reading :)

Much love, Ansley

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