Chapter Nine: The Truth

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Chapter Nine: The Truth

There was a pounding in my ears. I was on the ground and a searing pain on my neck. Like the wound had been broken and torn apart again. It hurt really bad, and it didn't feel like it was covered.

I breathed slowly, hearing muffled sounds of a voice behind me. "I want my ring back." My hearing went in and out, as my vision did the same. I was still in my house, I felt my carpeted floor. How come my mom hasn't come upstairs yet?!

"Whoever I suck dry is on you buddy, and unfortunately you're not going to like my latest victim." It was Damon. His voice was clear and the memory of him rushed to my mind.

His red eyes. His fangs. The snarl and the gutrenching sound of his bite. I dont know how I didnt realize this before. But it made absolutely no sense. How could he be-

My head was tilted back, Damon's blue eyes staring back into mine. He gave me a sarcastic look of sympathy before speaking into the phone again. "She's not dead, but something tells me that this history geek's time is slowing down. So tell me where my ring is, Stefan."


I mean, if Damon was, no he couldn't be. Stefan was a sweet guy. He Unfortunately as Damon said, it seemed like no one was rescuing me unless Damon got this ring back.

"If I don't get it back by today, Elena is going to be my next stop. I wonder who you care about more?" Damon taunted before hanging up. He looked down at me, rolling his eyes before biting into his own wrist and forcing it onto my mouth. I gasp, the copper tasting blood dropping to the back of my throat for a few seconds before he pulls ut away.

I cough, completely disgusted at what had just happened. "Get away from me you psycopath!"  I scream, scrambling to get away. Damon sighs, grabbing me and pulling me to my feet.

"Look princess, I just need you to stop screaming and be quiet." Damon stares into my eyes. They're mesmerizing, but it takes everrything in me to slap my hand across his face.

He tosses me onto the bed. "This is Stefan's problem." And disappears out my window. I place my hand on my neck, yelping when I feel the two holes and an overwhelming pain. I opened my bedroom door slowly, seeing the house was very eerie. I guess my mom had gone out.

I went into the bathroom, hand holding my neck as blood slipped down my neck. I looked through cabinet, for anything to cover it. The best I had was gauze and a tensor bandage. My hands were shaking as I attempted to place the gauze on my neck.

I didn't have the proper bandaging, and I couldn't exactly use the small bandages. But I couldn't leave it. I went to the kitchen, thinking something would be there. Mom has all sorts of things in the drawers.

Then the door was knocked on rapidly. I didn't  want to open it. It could be Damon again, or someone else. I walked over slowly, the knocking scaring me as the door was hit harder. I took a breath and opened the door, thankful and terrified of the person behind the door.

Stefan's face went into instant relief when i opened the door. My eyes instantly welled up when I drew my hand away from my neck. "Stefan." My voice croaked. I walked out to him and he caught me in his arms.

Stefan tensed for a moment, but continued to hug me. "I don't understand..." I sniffed, wanting so many answers for questions I didn't even know to ask. "Let me explain, please." He looked into my eyes, his eyes softening.

"Are-are you..." Stefan had a look of guilt, making me back away from him. "How could you? Walking around us as a-- I don't even want to say it. I dont want to believe it." My hands shook even more.

"Willa, please. I won't hurt you. I'm not like Damon." Stefan pleaded. He moved forward slightly. "I'm still the same person."

"Youre a vampire!" I almost yelled. "That's a big difference between a human." He looked desperate. I was angry and scared. He lied to me, yet somehow I understood how he couldnt just walk up and say 'Hi I'm Stefan, I like football and I'm also a vampire.'

"I know. And I'm sorry I lied. But please, let me try and explain. I wont hurt you, I promise." I sighed. I looked at him and only saw the guy that I saw as a friend, as well as someone that made my heart skip a beat.

So with my gut instinct telling me not to and slam the door in his face, I invited him in.


Stefan helped clean my neck, coming to me realizing that the punctures in my neck were no longer there, which lead to my first question. "How?"

"Damon fed you his blood, it heals any wounds in an instant. Also increases your chance of..." He went silent, finishing wrapping my neck. I turned to him with wide eyes. "Become a vampire?!"

"It stays in your system for twenty four hours, and within that time if you die, yes. You'd become a vampire. But I wont let that happen." He promised, though I wasn't all that sure.

"How long have you been...alive?" I tried to word it, but there was no normal way to ask.

"I've been seventeen since eighteen sixty-four." My mouth dropped. You have to be kidding me. That really explained how he was so good at history. He lived it.

I couldn't believe I let him in my house. I shouldve just kept him out. Any rational person would be scared and not want them anywhere near them. But Stefan...he was Stefan.

"So you're really old." I stated. I saw him hide his smile in the mirror. "I mean, yeah, if you call one-hundred and forty-five old."

He dropped his hand from my neck when he'd finished wiping the blood. I saw his eyes suddenly change, veins dropping from his eyes as they turned red. "Woah." I turned quickly, just in time before he turned his face away.

"Wait, don't." I turned his face back, taking the cloth from his hand. He looked at me, scary eyes and all, yet I still saw those soft green eyes. Part of me was absolutely terrified, but the other part of me found it shamfully cool.

His eyes slowly turned back to normal. "The blood?" He nodded. "I don't drink human blood. Not for a very long time. I'm not as strong as Damon, but it keeps me alive." I looked back to the mirror, seeing my neck looked totally healed. Like it wasnt just torn by a vampires teeth. This couldn't be my new reality.

Stefan followed me out and into my bedroom. "I don't know what he was trying to do, but it definitely wasn't him comforting me."

"He was trying to compel you. Snatch and erase, it's what he does." I looked to him. "Have you ever compelled me?" Stefan shook his head quickly, then pointed towards the bracelet he gave me. "It's laced with a special herb called vervain, it weakens vampires and stops compulsion." He explained.

"Huh." I brought the bracelet closer and smelt it. It smelt sweet. No wonder. I sat on my bed. "Everything in me is telling me to kick you out and never let you in again. But for some reason, I can't." I bring my knees to my chest for comfort. Stefan pulls up the chair at mt desk and sits down.

"I'm so sorry for what my brother did to you, I'll make him stop. And I'm so sorry for lying to you. I never wanted you to know. I just wanted to come home." Stefan sighed.

I looked at his guilty eyes, watching me carefully. I shuffled myself to the end of the bed, setting my feet on the ground. I grabbed his hand, feeling the warmth of his palm against mine. My cheek turned red. I ignored my twisting gut as I spoke.

"I forgive you."


A short chapter but its all about the truth :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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