I got reincarnated..... oh well (edited)

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I slowly blinked my eyes open and stared blankly at the two giants that were staring back at me. Were they gonna eat me? If so then do it quickly.

I waited a few moments, and when they did nothing, I decided they weren't going to eat me. Come to think of it, they are smiling and cooing at me. I'm sorry giants, but I'm afraid that I don't speak baby. Maybe they were baby giants, no wonder they hadn't eaten me yet. Well, I am growing tired so goodnight. I hope that you'll kill me when I'm asleep, I don't want to feel pain.

I woke up to see that I was in a crib........a crib? I tried to sit up to see if anyone was around me, only to find that I was paralyzed. I would like to learn how they did this.........

Then one of the giants from earlier came in, are they going to eat me now? Well, I guess that they aren't babies since they can walk. The giant picked me up while smiling, she looks pretty for a giant. It's rare to see green eyes with brunette hair. She also had that warm aura around her, it's hard to think that she would eat me, but you never know.

She carried me over to a bed, cradling me in between her arms. Then she took out a bottle of what looked like milk–and shoved it in my mouth. 

'Why is she feeding me? Maybe she wants me to grow fat like that witch from Hansel and Gretel. Ah, if only they knew the true story I thought. I was growing sleepy again, maybe they put drugs in the milk? Who knows? Anyway, good night. 

Time skip                                           

I woke up a few hours later, only to notice that someone was looking at me. I continued to pretend to sleep, I wanted to know what was happening. I heard the door slowly creak open as heavy footsteps entered. I figured it was the male giant as the female had lighter and more graceful footsteps.

"How's our baby?" he boomed.

"Shhhhhh, she's sleeping, don't wake her up!" a female voice whisper-shouted. Baby? Maybe she meant me, which would explain why they haven't killed me yet. Wait, if I was a baby that would mean that I was reincarnated right?

How did I die again? Oh yeah, a guy killed me because I wouldn't go out with a different guy. Well, I did ask for it. Oh well, I'll just enjoy this life, hopefully, they have interesting books. I should probably continue with my daily exercise, my dad might find a way to go into this world and check on me. He always seems to know when I don't do my daily exercise. He's scary like that. Well, I am in his debt.

"She's beautiful," the male voice, my father whispered, "have you thought of a name for her yet?"

"Not yet, we must wait to see what her personality is when she grows up," mother responded. 

Time skip (8 months)                                                                                     

It's been around eight months since I've been reincarnated. I've spent most of my time sleeping or exercising, lest my father suddenly appeared in my dreams again.

A few months earlier

I blinked my eyes open, only to be met with white. There was absolutely no color in sight. 'I must be dreaming' I thought.

"It's been a long time, Shizuka (that's her name in her past life)," I heard a very familiar voice say.

"Father," I acknowledge him. It seems that I've got my old body back.

"I'm disappointed in you, you haven't been doing your exercises these past months," he said, eyes boring into my soul. I continued to stare at him, before remembering what he could do and frowned.

"If I see you slacking off again, there will be a price to pay," he said rather harshly. I quickly nodded my head. Ah, I would like a bit of freedom before-

"Oh, and I'll be sending anonymous objects your way, just to make sure that your reaction time doesn't decrease, understand?" I nodded again, yet I had a feeling he would forget. They may think I am ignorant of their world, but it's hard to ignore a world like that.

"Very well, I shall be going now," he said cheerfully.

'Scary' I thought.

(back to the present)

As a baby, I think I developed rather quickly. I learned to walk last month, though no one needs to know. After all, I read somewhere that babies learned to walk at around the age of 12 months. Though I believe that I should wait one month so as not to attract any attention. I think that sit-ups and push-ups aren't very healthy for a baby so I did pull ups and reflexes instead. All I had to say was Ranojeki, then random stuff would attack me. My father was kind enough to place it on the easiest level, which was still pretty hard for a baby. Though, I can't say much, hard to say that I've been a baby before. All these things? Definitely not something a baby is supposed to do.

Over the past eight months, I've learnt a lot of things. One was that I was the daughter of a very important noble. I believe our last name was Pendegraft. There was also magic in this world, though I'm not sure about the specifics. There was also a genius prince named Leo that everyone keeps talking about. He's a few months older than me, learned to walk at eight months, could use magic at the age of one and spoke complete sentences.

I hope to avoid him at all costs.

The servants here have only talked about their crushes, who looked better, cuter, more handsome, prettier, and a bunch of other useless stuff. I basically knew who everyone's crushes were. Some were really talkative, which meant that I knew all about them. Sadly with my photographic memory, I couldn't forget anything they said. Ah, it was easier when there was nothing, nothing to remember, nothing to forget. Sigh, lovesick fools. Oh, here comes one now, I better stop doing pull-ups. I scrambled to climb over my crib and land on the springy mattress before lying down.

Maids POV

I slowly entered the room, just in case the baby was asleep. When I entered the room, I spotted the baby lying down and staring at the blank ceiling. Us maids all thought that the baby was peculiar. She never laughed, and never cried, never even made a sound.

I walked over to pick her up, and she just stared at me, those black eyes staring into my soul. It was like she knew everything about me, I shivered in fright before calming myself down. What could a baby know?

And yet her eyes kept boring into me, a feeling of emptiness in them. So to say, they were empty, devoid of everything. 

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