Crimson (Part 2)

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The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the sky with a red and golden light. One by one the birds stopped singing and the chorus of crickets started. The moon rose into the starry night, bringing a soft silver light.

Shouts and roars could be heard, some of despair, determination, and sometimes joy. Beneath the shouts were the frightened scampering of the cowards. The cowards who, in the end would be the last to survive.

It was around midnight that something strange happened. The night chorus abruptly stopped, the monsters that fought fiercely and got the upper hand fled, leaving the half-dead victims who thankful yet scared. For what could possibly scare those ferocious beasts? The shadows seemed to thicken and timed seemed to freeze. Nothing moved, not a single breeze could be felt nor a sound heard. An ominous feeling blossomed in all the hearts of the students. All those who were sleeping had nightmares, but all were unable to wake up. The parents who were worried about their children's lives couldn't sleep either, and the ominous feeling made them want to pull their child out of the competition, but something prevented them from stepping out of their mansions.

Then ever so slowly........the moon turned crimson red.

Keme was the first to notice the change, he immediately knew what was happening. In truth he had waited for this day to come, but now that Silence was here he was slightly worried for her sake even if he knew that she could protect herself. 

'Why is it happening now? It's much to early!' he thought I his head, close to panicking. He glanced at Silence to see if she was still asleep, but was met with her endless black eyes. 

"You should go back to sleep," he said with a gentle look, suppressing the panic that was building up inside of him. He wasn't sure if she saw it anyways, he hoped that she didn't.

Silence shook her head and said three words, "the winds stopped."

The endless chatter that she could hear in the background was gone. Something was wrong as well. In fact she couldn't hear any of the usual sounds that go on at night. She also had a dream....but she couldn't remember what it was. Now there were many times that this had happened, though she knew that this dream was different from the others. If only she knew what the dream was. Though the silent surroundings reminded her of something she once read. 

She climbed out of the tent and looked at the sky, her suspicions confirmed. It was the night of the Blood moon, sometimes known as the Crimson moon. Whenever it appeared something disastrous always followed.

"I have to go......" Keme said trailing of, his eyes flashed yellow, "be careful, and whatever you do, don't fall asleep." 

She can take care of herself, he thought to himself over and over. Silence saw his yellow eyes and realized something, 'a vampire!' they were the only creatures with yellow eyes. Though vampires were supposed to be extinct, she narrowed her eyes. She would figure this out later......

She watched him run at a humans pace, he could've gone much faster but the both knew that it was likely  for people to be watching them. Very soon she couldn't see him anymore. Suddenly she ducked.

A few minutes ago
"She's awake!"Kras shouted, unable to contain his relief. His face suddenly turned red, "I-I mean, it's a good thing you woke up or else I would've left."

"Kras? Is that you?" she asked weakly, suddenly feeling bored. Where was the fun in playing around with someone who fell into despair too easily? Ah, with his personality it would've been fun if he continued to rebel, but it turned out that he was just protecting his fragile heart. 

"Who else would it be?" he asked in the same grumpy tone as he usually had, saying these world, his soul was screaming in agony. 

"She's awake?" Daimon asked, eye bags under his eyes. Proof that he didn't get much sleep. When he saw her, his whole being lit up in hatred. 

"How do you feel? Do you know what happened?" he asked in forced worry.

Angel didn't respond, feeling bored. If you get tired of your toys, you naturally throw them away. Now, to throw it away one at a time or all at once?

Moonlight flicked of the metal surface of a rather sharp sword. Someone cursed as they dodged the sweep of a foot. They both stared at each other, assessing each others skill. Silence sighed, this was really too much trouble for her, though she supposed that it would keep her from falling asleep. Something seemed to change though, their eyes suddenly turned red and blood lust erupted from them. 

'The crimson moon! It must be doing something to magnify the blood lust. If so, then it should work to my advantage as well.'

If you weren't experienced in battles and was suddenly consumed by blood lust; although you would be more dangerous, you would also be more like a wild animal, unthinking.

They were the first to charge, Silence carefully evaded every blow, making them stumble with the momentum. A few minutes of that, Silence suddenly thought that if it kept going then she would tire out first.

Except with the blood moon, all elements were useless except.....water. She hadn't used that element in such a long time that she nearly forgot about it. She would be slightly rusty at it, but the blood moon should make what she was about to do 10 times easier. 

Or she could just die, that was also an option. She was done with this world, but...with how things were going it wouldn't be hard for her to realize that her soul would eventually be stuck in this world.

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