The Lost Chapter (Comedic)

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(AT THE RISE: Dan and Amanda, and elderly couple, are sitting on stage in rocking chairs. Dan is reading a newspaper, and Amanda is knitting. Lights come up as they rock and enjoy their mundane tasks.)

Dan: Amanda.

Amanda: Yes, Dan?

Dan: Why is it that after sixty or seventy something odd years, I still somehow manage to love you?

Amanda: Excuse me?

Dan: Think about it. I've had to deal with you since we were in preschool. And even though that was a millennium ago I still continue to listen to you cry about something you've misplaced.

Amanda: I have never once complained about losing something, because I don't misplace things. Take my dentures for example; I don't lose my dentures, but if you move my dentures, then I am not going to know where they are.

Dan: Woman, I have never touched your dentures. I'm to lazy to move your dentures. You complain about my butt being glued to the couch, and then you say I move yo dentures. So I ask you, is my butt glued to the couch? Or do I move your dentures.

Amanda: Your butt is glued to the couch.

Dan: Thank You.

Amanda: And when I leave the house you get up and move my dentures.

Dan: Woman I've never moved your dentures, because your dentures are in your mouth.

Amanda: This is my first set of dentures, you moved my second set.

Dan: You do not own a second set of dentures.

Amanda: How do you know? You are too busy being glued to the couch.

Dan: Which means I don't move your dentures!

Amanda: So you are saying I have lost them?

Dan: Yes! This entire conversation is about how you have misplaced your dentures.

Amanda: So what I'm hearing is you think I have Alzheimer's?

Dan: Woman, I have never once said you have Alzheimer's.

Amanda: So I'm just forgetful?

Dan: Yes!

Amanda: Oh Jesus he thinks I have Alzheimer's

Dan: I don't think you have Alzheimer's, although you do have a lying problem. Maybe you should go talk to Dr. Gordon about that.

Amanda: Now he's calling me a liar.

Dan: I'm not calling you a truther.

Amanda: Name one thing I've lied about.

Dan: Woman, you just lied to me about yo dentures!

Amanda: Okay, perhaps you didn't steal my dentures, but I most certainly did not misplace them.

Dan: This is what I'm talking about! I have had to put up with years of this. How is it that I still manage to love you, when you do stuff like this??

Amanda: Maybe it's because nothing better came along.

Dan: The lord knows that's right.

Amanda: Maybe it's because you don't believe in divorce.

Dan: I don't know about all th....

Amanda: Maybe it's because nothing better came along

Dan: You just said that!

Amanda: No I didn't

Dan: Yes, you did.

Amanda: Now he's saying I got Alzheimer's again

Dan: Woman, I've never said...

Amanda: Maybe it's because you've decided we're just stuck together!

Dan: Maybe So! (a beat) Or maybe there's no other person in the world who drives me crazy the way you do.

Amanda: Did you just call me insane?

Dan: Woman, will you just say I love you?

Amanda: I love you Dan.

Dan: And I love you Amanda. (The two begin to kiss as the lights fade)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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