9. Pete I-don't-give-a-fuck Wentz

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Chapter 9:

Pete I-don't-give-a-fuck Wentz

Pete's POV

I woke up before the others, Patrick was still on top of me, his arms wrapped carefully around me. Last night flowed back into my brain, I had kissed him. Brendon knew, Patrick loved me. Did I love Patrick? I think I did. I hope he doesn't pull the I was really drunk card on me. Absentmindedly I started playing with Patricks hair, even if I wanted to get up I couldn't without waking up 'Trick. A groggy noise came from across the room, I decided my best bet was to pretend to be asleep..

"Anyone awake?" Spencer whispered loudly.

"Aye, what time is it?" Joe mumbled, apparently I wasn't alone in being awake.

"Um it's like 11.." Spence replied. I opened one eye so I could see Patrick. His hickey was clearly visible now. I felt kinda bad for doing that.

"Why is Patrick on top of Pete?" Spence asked, sitting at our feet there was no way he could see the hickey.

"I think it started with Patrick being afraid of the horror movie I'm not sure.." They laughed, giving up on us they turned Sponge Bob on the tv. I must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I remember was Spencer screaming,

"IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?" I sat up fast at the same time as Patrick so we ended up with me sitting on him.

"What?" I mumbled sleepily. Patrick awkwardly tried to move away but I just leaned on him.

"Patrick, do you have a hickey on your shoulder?" Joe asked, Patrick started blushing 50 shades of red, so I kissed him. In front of Spencer, Joe and Brendon. I kinda woke up with an I don't give a fuck mood, and I needed to prove it wasn't something to be embarrassed about.

"Yeah I think it is.." I replied.

"Oh.. Wow are you guys like together now?" Joe asked awkwardly.

"When did this happen?" Spencer looked at us, mostly me.

"Erm.." I looked at Patrick for help, I snuggled into his side to signal him it was his turn to speak.

"We um kissed last night.. I guess and then this.." Patrick stuttered out, tears were threatening to pour out his eyes. As I said before, today was my Pete I-don't-give-a-fuck Wentz day.

"So what does it matter? Yes maybe we were a bit drunk when it happened, but now I'm not drunk and I don't regret what we did one bit. Patrick Stump will you be my boyfriend?" I prayed he felt the same way.

"I wasn't even that drunk.. Yes Pete!" He pulled me into a hug, and I kissed him gently on the lips. Instead of negative replies all the guys Aww-ed at us. I smiled after I pulled away.

"Can I ask something extremely off topic?" Brendon cut in.

"Do you ever stay on topic Urie?" I replied.

"I'll have you know Mr. Wentz that I've been holding this in since this conversation started." I gave him a go ahead nod.

"WE SHOULD MAKE A BAND!!" We all stared at him blankly. "Common, Spencer can play drums, Pete you can play bass, Joe you can play guitar, me and Patrick can sing and he can play guitar too!! We have a full band!"

"I can't sing in front of people!" Patrick said shocked Brend had even brought it up.

"Why not 'Trick you're amazing?" Spencer asked Patrick.

"I um it's just in front of people I can't.. I get really nervous.. Sorry?" Patrick stuttered, He wasn't lying, we could all tell he would be the one to get nervous in front of others.

"Well you can play guitar with Joe then, two guitarist will make it even better!" We all nodded it was a pretty good idea actually.

"I agree Bren we could do this, maybe 'Trick could write us some songs too.. He's good at that." I spoke up. Patrick smiled widely, we were no longer sitting on each other but just holding hands. I squeeze his hands and whispered just to him.

"You would make an amazing singer you know"

"Well yeah I would sing to YOU any time but in front of people.. No!" He whispered back. Spencer and Joe had agreed to give the band thing a try and if it worked it worked if it didn't we would just quit.

"Ok we can write music for.. I write sins not tragedies. And Patricks song.. Does it have a name?"

"Um number 27?"

"Great 27 it is! Wait does that mean you have 26 other amazing songs written?" Brendon asked.

"Well yeah some have names and they all have a number."

"SING TO US!" Joe called, everyone loved Patricks singing, to be honest I thought he was better than Brendon but Bren could still sing really well.

"Okay.." 'Trick started. "Um I call this one thanks for the memories.. Been looking forward to the future but my eyesight is going bad and this crystal ball, It's always cloudy except for when you look into the past. Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great. They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers, In hotel rooms collecting page six lovers."

"Why are we making this dork our lead singer when we have you? You're amazing 'Trick!" I screamed, Brendon pouted.

"Stop defending your boyfriend! I'm your BEST friend you should defend me!" He whined like a 5 year old. So of course I kissed Patrick because wow Bren made me realize he was in fact my boyfriend and I had the power to do that. He giggled into my lips.

"I love you Pete." He said quietly enough that I almost didn't hear him. So he hadn't just said that because he was drunk last night.

"I love you too 'Trick" I whispered into his ear.

"WHAT? Speak up we can't hear whatever cute little convo you're having over there!" Brendon totally ruined the moment, again.

"We were just talking about how much of a loser the lead singer of the band is.." Patrick replied smiling.

"I hate y'all.. Other than Spencer. Spencer's cool. SPENCER KISS ME!" Brendon screamed both of them got up screaming and running around the living room. We just all laughed watching them.

"I feel so alone" Joe laughed.

"Join Spence and Bren.. You guys can have a threesome" I laughed, as both Bren and Spencer tackled Joe.

"Hey Pete? Can we leave soon? Maybe go to my place because I want to talk to you.. Just you and me without all of that" he gestured to the dog pile of our friends lying on the floor. "Is that okay Pete?"

"Yeah sure.. Want to go now? They're going to be doing the same thing all day. Can I take you out for Lunch 'Trick.. Please?" He nodded slowly and I smiled. We said our good byes to the other boys. Who warned us to use protection, I just flipped them off and skipped out the door with my boyfriend.

A/N Songs used in this chapter:

-Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy (well an interesting rewritten by me version haha I know I did the lyrics in the wrong order I meant too)

SOTC: Alibis by Marianas Trench

~~Love and Chemical Romances Xo ashley!marie

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