29. Happy

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Chapter 29:


Patricks POV

I sat on the couch, cuddled up to Andy. It might sound bad but he was my best friend and honestly not really my type in the relationship aspect of things. My brain was tearing itself apart over the Pete thing. Brendon sprung off the couch insanely fast.

"I'm getting up, why don't you sit down Joe? Oh and Patrick, can I talk to you alone in the kitchen for a second?" I nodded, letting Joe sit down next to Andy. Clearly a Brendon attempt at getting a cute couple together. I walked into the kitchen behind Bren.

"Okay so I've been thinking-" I cut him off,

"Are you okay? You shouldn't strain your brain like that" Bren glared at me playfully and stuck his tongue out.

"Okay seriously though, I'm going to drive you too the hospital so Pete can at least explain his side of the story too you alright?" I nodded.

I twisted my shirt around in my fingers, at some point I realized it was actually Pete's shirt that I was wearing. Brendon pulled into the parking lot.

"What if it's not good? What if everything doesn't work out?" I asked, I was starting to have a miner anxiety attack.

"Patrick, what were you accomplishing sitting on my couch at home? Nothing, if you want anything to work out you at least gotta try, try to understand what he's saying and his side of the story. Forgive him if he did fuck up or leave him if you think it's right. Patrick you gotta get in there and try." I breathed in slowly, trying to calm my breathing.

"Okay. I will try, please don't leave without me." Brendon nodded hugging me. I walked to Pete's room, I had only been there once but the way there seemed so familiar. I paused outside of the door then knocked.

"Come in." Was all he said, his voice sounding like he had been crying.

I pushed open the door. Seeing Pete brought a new wave of emotions too me, he was hooked up too machines and was trying to wipe tears off his face.

"Patrick, I-" I cut him off, hugging him tightly. I must admit a tear fell down my face too.

"I want the whole story of what was said earlier but first you need a hug, I need a hug and I want you to know I still love you Pete, you could tell me you fucked the whole cheerleading team, it would kill me inside but I will still love you alright?" I told him, nuzzling into his neck.

"I love you too Patrick." He kissed my nose and I sat back, still holding his hand. "Okay, um so basically I got drunk at some stupid party and I found Ashlee and I swear we were just drinking together and then I woke up in her bed, naked and with the worst hangover ever the next day. I don't even remember the sex, yet alone if we used protection or not, I guess not since now she's pregnant. I don't know what to do, she's my friend but I don't love her anymore than that, Patrick I love you." I gave him another hug.

"I understand. It was stupid and I'm kinda pissed, not at you but at myself for not even noticing all your problems just because I was being to self centred. I think Ashlee, you and I have to have a conversation tomorrow okay? I'm not mad at you though babe."

"Thank you, you're the best boyfriend ever. Oh and be here at 11 tomorrow we can all talk okay?" I nodded.

"I will be, Brendon's waiting for me so I should probably go now. I love you Pete."

"Love you Pattycakes!" I kissed him softly then walked out.

I didn't tell anyone what had happened between Pete and I, just that everything worked out fine. In the end everyone ended up having a huge sleepover in the Urie-Weekes house, well all the guys minus Pete. Brendon and Dallon were sharing the bed, not that they didn't do that every night. Brendon quickly volunteered me too sleep with Spencer on the uncomfortable sofa in their room leaving the comfy looking blanket pile on the floor for Joe and Andy. Andy blushed when he found this out but I just winked at him, we could all tell he liked Joe, and he were all clearly going to force this in till Joe noticed.


Pete's POV

I laid there waiting for Patrick and Ashlee to arrive. I had no clue what we were even going to talk about but both thought it was a good idea so I went with it. Patrick arrived first kissing me and sitting on the bed beside me, even though it was a single bed and barely had any room to sit. Ashlee came a few minutes later, awkwardly sitting on the chair meant for any guests I may have.

"Pete.. I wanna keep the baby. You don't have to have anything to do with it but I really want to keep it." Ashlee blurted out.

"I don't really want a kid, and in the least offensive way I can say this, not with you. I have a boyfriend, but it was my fault that I fucked up and if you choose to keep him, I will help you though this-" I went too continue but Ashlee cut me off.


"Yes, it will be a boy I can tell. I just want you too know, I'll support you though this but I'm not ever going to leave Patrick for you."

"I know.. But would you be mad if I kept it?" She asked me.

"It's a him, not an it." I informed her, I wasn't sure why but I had a strong feeling we were having a boy.

"May I speak?" Patrick inquired politely.

"Go ahead 'Trick."

"I-I don't really like the idea of abortion and I know no one plans to get pregnant when drunk and weather you enjoyed it or not I think Pete made it clear you two are just friends." He paused, making sure her and I were still listening then continued. "I know Pete, I know him really well and I know he realizes he fucked up that's why I'm not mad at him, but I also know this has happened already and Pete's the kind of guy who is going to take responsibility and help you through this." I nodded hugging Patrick, he was right I knew him so well.

"I want to start this off right Ashlee, I will be the kids father, you will be his mother. Even if we don't have a relationship were we are married and living together I still want to be his dad. I still want to be your friend, I don't know your feeling about me but any romantic feelings towards me you have push them aside and let's stay friends through this." I told her.

"I liked you, like-liked you, since grade 10, but being friends with you and the other guys made me think of you as more of a friend, I agree the way things are now will work out. Patrick, is this all okay with you?" Patrick squeezed my hand, as if looking for the courage and comforting to speak again. I squeezed back, hoping he wasn't going to say he didn't approve.

"Of course, I think this is the right decision and if I can help you two through it, I will." We were all finally actually smiling by the time the conversation reached a close, I couldn't believe i had tried to kill myself just a few days earlier when all these amazing people existed around me.

A/N SOTC: Disasterology by PTV

~~love and sleep Xo ashley!marie

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