23. Please Promise Forever

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Chapter 23:

Please Promise Forever

Pete's POV

A sob came from behind us, then clearly a Patrick scream. I whipped around Patrick was already on the ground sobbing and screaming. I looked around, all the guys looked choked he had been fine just a second ago. We all started to scream out his name. I dropped to his side trying to calm his thrashing around.

"PATRICK!" I screamed, he stopped screaming his body falling limp in my arms. It took about what seemed like forever but was probably under a minute for his eyes to flutter open and him to just cry into my shirt.

"Hey 'Trick, what happened?" Brendon whispered, coming down to sit next too us.

"I-I-I I'm..." He couldn't talk he handed me his phone. I read the texts on the screen, I started to cry too.

"No. No Patrick you can live with me. You're not leaving, never I can't live without you." I hugged him tightly, so much for the diner. Everyone sat around, Brendon showing them all the texts. Patrick couldn't swing a sentence together for the life of him.

"I. Can't. Go." He finally said through the tears and ripping sobs.

"We will get married and run away." I said, tears dripping into Patricks hair. "No. Patrick Martin Stump, will your marry me?" I asked, not looking up too anyone else's reactions, but I think I heard a gasp from someone.

"Y-yes, but I think were too young to get married." I didn't care I kissed him. Somehow we ended up at Brendon's house, all of us sleeping over. Huddled together, everyone slightly tear soaked.

"Hey Bden?" I whispered, it was sometime around 4 am.

"Mmmhmm?" He said barley awake.

"I'll be right back okay, if 'Trick wakes up tell him I love him and I'll be right back." Brendon nodded, in his tired state he didn't even question where I was going and I grabbed a jacket, starting the long walk home. I gave up, using Brendon's bike for faster transport. I rushed into my room quietly, grabbing all my savings from band gigs and other stuff. I got on the bike again, thankfully I hadn't woken up my Mom or Dad. The bell rung as I opened the door, I panted from riding here as fast as I could, the store worker raised his eyebrows at me.

"Hi how much are the personalized rings?" He looked up at me, still questioning me, I guess he didn't have many costumers at 4 am, much less teenaged boys.

"The cheapest ring is $135 plus the engraving." I nodded.

"I need something for me and my boyfriend.. Think you can help?" He nodded, showing me all the selections. I finally found something that I loved, and got it engraved. It took about an hour and $650, but I was incredibly happy with them, but would Patrick think it was too cheesy? I rode back to Brens house, fishing his spare key out of the potted plant beside the door.

Dallon blinked lazily at me as I walked into the living room where all of us had just crashed last nigh, he still had extremely smudged up makeup on.

"Dude where did you go?" He asked, Elisa was up too.

"Could you not sleep? I can't sleep. I feel so bad for him, he loves you a lot Pete." Elisa told me smiling weakly at me.

"I um went to get something, I'll show you when everyone's awake, or at least Patrick is." I slowly laid down next to 'Trick, trying not to wake him, he made a soft mumbly type noise then settled in cuddling up too me.

By about 7 am no one could actually sleep so we all gave up going to eat instead, we were deathly quiet, no one even talked. I cleared my throat trying to move the silence.

"Patrick, I know you said we're too young to get married and I respect that, I don't have money for an engagement ring anyways. You might move away, I'm not sure if we can change this.. I really hope we can your always welcome to live with me but Patrick Martin Stump I promise nothing less than forever." I pulled the rings out of my bag, the were still in a little bag. Patrick quickly opened up the little bag


Patricks POV

Pete handed me a little bag, I was already almost in tears, I couldn't leave these people they meant way too much too me now. I pulled the bag open two rings were in the bag.

"One for me, one for you." Pete told me, I picked up one, it was just a plain silver ring with a slight pattern on the outside but engraved in the inside it said Pete & Patrick. We will be forever. I started to cry again, these must have cost a fortune.

"Pete, how did you ever get these? I-I love you so much!" He kissed me pushing the ring into my finger, then putting the other one onto his own finger.

"I had some money, and 'Trick I would do anything for you, anything but leave you." I got up to hug Pete and somehow ended up sitting on him cuddling up and crying into his shirt. My phone rang.

"Are you going to get that?" Brendon asked on the third ring.

"Go ahead." I mumbled I didn't want to talk to anyone who wasn't in this room right now.

"I'll put it on speaker." Brendon said, answering the call. "Hello? This is Brendon on Patrick's phone, whom am I speaking with?"

"Oh thank you for answering Brendon, this is Mrs Stump may I speak to Patrick I've been trying to call him since yesterday." My Mom sounded stressed and done with life. I shook my head no, no she couldn't talk to me.

"He has seen your messages, currently he doesn't wish to speak to you and with all due respect ma'am I understand why. We're on speaker so feel free to talk to him though."

"Patty I'm sorry, moving is for the best, you will make new friends maybe we can visit back here sometime, it will be better I promise." My Mom begged me.

"He can live with me, like permanently. We have a life, 'Trick has great friends, we have a goddamn band you can't pull him away right as he's getting settled in. You don't simply make someone move and make friends then drag them away." Pete held me tighter, he was right I finally had friends.

"Pete that's lovely of you too offer but this is a family move, I understand Pat has a good life here but I haven't even seen him in two weeks, we are moving it's not up for arguing, I'll be at Pete's house at 10 tomorrow morning. We are leaving if I have to pull him out biting and kicking." She said in her stern mother voice.

"Stop don't call me Patty or Pat or anything my name is Patrick, if you shorten it, it's 'Trick. That's all. Oh and I hate you bye." I hung up the phone sobbing into Pete again.

Neither of us talked much, we made it home around five, Pete had briefly told his parents what had happened then the two of us crawled into bed at first crying but now we had cried ourselves dry.

"Remember the day we met?" Pete whispered to me.

"It seems like it was so long ago, yet it also feels like yesterday." I answered, it was only two months ago.

"Okay, I don't know where I'm going with this but I promise us forever, other people make long distance relationships work so can we. Skype calls everyday, saving up money to visit each other on holidays, I mean you mean too much to me I can't even put it in words so please don't let this move affect us."

"Thanksgiving is coming up, I'll come visit you guys, I want to always come here because not only do I love love you, I'm going to miss all our friends. We talked for a while before I feel asleep in his arms.

A/N SOTC: American Suitehearts by FOB

QOTC: what's your all time favourite FOB song? Mines probably a song from, from under a cork tree, uh maybe I've Got a Dark Ally and a Bad Idea that says You should Shut your Mouth, or Nobody puts Baby in the Corner or Dance Dance.. Man this is a hard question lol

~~Love and awkwardness (cuz I'm the fucking queen of awkward) Xo ashley!marie

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