30. Bi-curious

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Chapter 30:


Patricks POV

My phone rang across the room and I tried to get up smoothly from the sofa, but Spencer was in my way of course, causing me to trip and fall on top of Joe and Andy, whom were cuddled up on the floor.

"Shit sorry!" I grabbed my phone answering quickly. "Yello?"

"PATRICK MARTIN STUMP WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Shit I hadn't checked caller id in my hurry.

"I'm home, with all my friends, I'm nearing 17 I can handle myself on my own and if you don't see that then you don't have to come and live with me I'll do fine on my own." Everyone was shooting worried glances at me, Andy squirmed under me making me realize I was still laying right on top of him and Joe.

"Is Andy with him?" I heard a shout in the background.

"Tell Mrs Hurley yes." I said as Andy pushed me off of him.

"Excuse me but can I talk to my Mom?" He said into the phone loudly.

"Yes." Me and my Mom both answered handing the phones off. I got up giving Andy some space and sitting on the bed next to Bren. Within seconds Andy had burst into tears, Joe slowly moved up, shyly attempting to comfort him. I nudged Brendon who just smiled and nodded cheerfully at the two boys.

"Mom I love you! And I love our home and family and all of that but 'Trick needed to get back here and I helped him and now I like it here too. Patricks friends are amazing and I um really like on-- them, I really like them." Andy quickly saved himself. Seeing him and Joe made me want Pete to be back here cuddling with me, rubbing comforting circles into my back as I talked to my mom.

"T-thank you, I'll keep you updated and I'll be home soon I promise Mom." Andy said, sounding relived and hugging Joe back.

"Patrick is so much happier here, I honestly think he should stay. Mom I know his family is there but if you look at his group of friend his family is also here, maybe not by blood but I've never seen this much love in one group my whole life." I smiled watching Andy stand up for me.

Soon he had hung up and Spencer, Brendon, Dallon and I had decided to go to the mall. I'm not quite sure what four teenaged boys needed from a mall but I guess we will find out. Brendon mentioned something about Joe not being able to come since his birthday was soon and we might be getting gifts, he just blushed mumbled and pushed us aside, but we agreed Andy should stay with him.

"WE ARE MAKING JOE GAY IF ITS THE LAST THING WE DO OKAY!" Brendon screamed making us all laugh.

"Was I the reason you turned gay?" Dallon kissed him sweetly making us all aww.

"Babe you could turn Jesus gay." We all laughed at Brendon. Making me want Pete yet again.

"Um guys if we are just going to do nothing do you mind if I skip the mall to go see Pete?" I asked, I loved my friends but I needed Pete more than ever now.

"Yeah go ahead, I don't even think we are going to the mall.. Want a ride?" Bren replied making me nod and hug them for understanding.

"Spencer, you realize your the only straight one left right?" Dallon informed him with a laugh.

"Technically we could still make him gay." Brendon joked.

"What?! No! I'm straight as a ruler!"

"I don't know man I've seen rulers that have bends in them, maybe like a bendy ruler."

"What are we getting Joe for his birthday anyways?" I asked them.

"Dude Joe's birthday was in September." Spencer answered making us all laugh.

I laid next to Pete in the hospital bed, mindlessly chattering about life. I told him all about our master plan of getting Joe and Andy together, which made him laugh in the most adorable way.

"Wait so Andy's gay?" Pete asked me.

"Yep and he actually likes Joe and I think Joe might like him too." I smiled kissing him. "When do you get out of here so I can fuck you senseless?"

"Someone's a bit horny." Pete laughed and told me probably a few days if he kept getting better.


{it had to happen} Andy's POV

I stood in the bathroom trying to fix my bed head and tear stained face and look semi nice at least. I guess I liked Joe, he was everything- hot, nice, sweet, cute and ugg I want, really want Joe. I walked back into Brendon's room finally satisfied with my look.

"Nope you can't come Joe, we might be buying you birthday gifts. You know your birthdays coming up." Brendon told Joe. "Oh Andy.. Um we don't have enough room in the car do you mind staying here with Joe?" I looked down at my feet.

"Yeah okay.." I mumbled back.

After the other boys left Joe and I sat awkwardly in Brendon's room.

"Um happy early birthday."

"I should tell you they are just abandoning us together.. My birthday was at the beginning of September, and they walk to the mall I think." Joe told me.

"Oh then happy late birthday I guess.. Does Brendon typically leave random strangers in his home when he goes out?" I asked, realizing we were the only ones still in his home.

"Brendon's house is like a shelter, we like to take in strays. His home is also like a safe house. His parents are very nice so if we ever need to get away it's alway too here." I stared at Joe, he looked straight but then again most people thought I was straight and I wasn't.

"So you and Spencer are like the straight ones out of the group?" I asked, smiling at my way of asking if he was straight without saying it.

"Well I mean I don't really like labels, I haven't been in a relationship for so long and I guess with Pete and Brendon both being gay now I'm getting kinda bi-curious I guess.."

"Curious for anyone in particular?" I asked with my eyes slowly traveling up to him, biting my lip hoping the answer wasn't Spencer or something like that.

"Well you're kinda.. Hot."

A/N SOTC: Public Service Announcement by Of Mice & Men

Love and gay pride Xo ashley!marie {I s2g I'm running out of things to say for these}

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