Day 1

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When in Fiddleford woke up in the morning, brushed his teeth, got dressed and dropped his son off at school, not once did he picture his day being spent lurking the halls of the institute, along side his husband, water pistol in hand as they tried to find an escaped experiment.  

It all started like this. He and Stanford walked in to the institute, feeling pretty content with how the morning had gone. They shared a small kiss on the cheek before walking down different hallways, their shoes clacking against the tiled floor. Stanford went to his office in the left wing of the building and Fiddleford went down to the lab in the right wing of the building.

He was greeted cheerfully by his co-workers and newly starting apprentice's. The smell of solder burning filled his nostrils as he settled down at his work station and looked over some of his blue prints. As he unfurled a fairly new print for a robot that helps cook, his arm accidentally knocked down a photo frame. Fidd flinched slightly at the sudden clack of plastic against his desk before picking it up. He smiled at the photo of him and Tate. It was taken on one of their fishing trips together down at the lake.
"Sir?" A male voice asked from behind him, making him startle as he was pulled abruptly from his thoughts.

Fidd turned around to see his assistant, Henry, standing behind him holding a cup of coffee.
"Your coffee, sir" Henry stated, handing him the tall cup.
"Oh thank you Henry" he smiled before taking the cup with both hands. He turned in his chair and placed the cup on his desk before taking hold of his blue prints once again.
"What's for today's agenda then, sir?" Henry asked tentatively, getting out his note pad waiting for some tasks.
"Well I was thinkin' that—" Fiddleford was stopped mid sentence by an ear piercing alarm that rang through out the institute. All the engineers looked up from their work in slight puzzlement. Fiddleford adjusted his glasses before standing up and pushing Henry aside.

A swarm of puzzled workers gathered around him.
"Sir, what's going on?"
"There wasn't a drill scheduled today, was there?"
"This isn't the fire alarm"
"Sir what do we do?"
Many voices asked many questions, most to which Fiddleford couldn't answer. His knee began to bounce with anxiety as the crowd of questions began to grow bigger and bigger.

Suddenly Stanford burst into the room, followed by a group of many workers. He ploughed through the crowd to the centre. Before Fiddleford could really tell who had grabbed his wrist Ford had pulled him to one side.
"Stanford what's happening?" Fiddleford asked in a hushed tone.
"It appears that one of the experiments has escaped" Ford whispered.
"What? Which one?" He quietly exclaimed. Ford put a finger to his lips to shush him before speaking.
"A scamp fire, only small. It shouldn't be a problem as long as it doesn't set anything on fire" Ford stated as he turned toward the large mass of scientists and engineers before them.
"What's happening sir?" A young girl asked from the front of the crowd.
" is unpleasant to inform that a small experiment has escaped. If you will please form orderly groups to help round up the creature, just as your training prepared you for" Stanford informed the group and in seconds they obeyed the order and grouped themselves into masses of fours.
"Sir....what experiment is it?" An engineer asked his boss. Ford turned his attention to the young man who was in a larger group.
"Oh a scampfire, a creature that disguises itself as fire, look near warm places. That's were it likes to hide....we good? Now spread out and search" Stanford ordered to his employees before the groups dispersed into the halls in search for the creature.

Fiddleford and Stanford were soon left alone in the large engineering lab.
"What are we going to do, dear?" Fiddleford asked, putting a hand on Ford's shoulder, turning him around to face him.
"We're going together. Grab what ever you can find to dowse a fire" Stanford informed. Fidd nodded before rushing over to his desk and returning with two water pistols.

Stanford gave a confused expression as he took hold of the plastic gun.
"Why are these in you desk?" Ford asked as he looked over the weapon.
"For Tate's birthday" he justified.
"Ahh" Ford nodded and swished the gun from side to side. There was water in there.
"When did you-"
"The sink"
"You were gone for like two seconds"
"I work fast, now can we please get going? I want to catch this thing before it burns down the entire institute" Fidd stated before firmly grasping his water pistol and marching down a hall way. Ford soon followed behind his husband in quick pursuit.

They searched for hours. The annoying beep still echoing through the halls as the creature went unfound. Fiddleford and Stanford were stalking the halls, water pistols in hand and poised in an attack position. Other search groups passed them every so often, explaining how they haven't found the creature yet before moving along.

Fiddleford and Stanford moved all the way to the eastern wing of the building, scouting down halls for ages until they heard it. A small scuttling sound accompanied by the sound of the cracking and popping of a fire.
"Wait.." Ford whispered as he stopped at the mouth of another hallway. They both peered down it, there was a small orange glow coming from behind the printer that was sitting in the corridor. They both slowly creeped down the hall side by side. Water pistols ready to dowse the flames of the scampfire. As they grew closer to the source of the light, the cracking of fire grew louder.

Soon they were standing right by the printer. The escaped creature was just mere feet away from them. A small waft of burning pine drifted in the air, Stanford was about to take a step forward and pounce on the beast but his nose began to burn at the strong smell. It burned so bad. It was almost like he needed to sneeze. He took in sharp breaths, trying his best not to make a sound. Fiddleford saw were this was going, Stanford was the loudest sneezer he had ever met. If he sneezed now the scampfire would surely make a break for it.

So Fiddleford did what he had to do. In one hand he held his pistol, he firmly placed the other on the printer and leapt over the machine. The sheer brilliance of his execution was enough to make Stanford stare in awe. He truly was the luckiest man ever to be able to call Fiddleford his husband.

The scampfire didn't even see it coming. It was all a blur. One minute it was sitting there, minding its own business, happily burning away. Then suddenly this man leaps onto it with the finesse of a gazelle, completely stunning it before getting sprayed with water.

The scampfire made a shrill squeak as the spray sizzled against its flames. Fiddleford kept firing until it was just a small flame quietly whimpering. Fiddleford let out heavy breaths as he ceased fire.  The creature tried to make a quick escape but was stopped by Fiddleford's foot standing on I one of its log legs. Fidd basked in the glow of his accomplishment before feeling a warmth grow up his leg.

He peered down to the bottom of his lab cot to see the small flames licking at his clothes as they began to grow bigger.
"Ahh" he gasped before shedding himself of his coat. He then stomped on his burning coat with his free foot, destroying the flames before they devoured his coat whole. Two large arms then hugged around his shoulders and a small kiss was planted in his cheek.
"Oh man! I've missed going on missions with you!" Stanford cheered as he hugged him tighter. Fiddleford smiled warmly before applying more pressure onto the scampfire's leg as it tried to escape his grasp.
"I missed it too" he replied before they untangled themselves. Ford then whipped out a walkey talky from his pocket.
"Johnathan, we've found it. Hall 61, sector 8, bring the containment gear" he ordered before hanging up.

He and Stanford stood there alone for about ten minutes before a group of ten employees with the containment gear arrived. They were extremely efficient with the containment. Applying a wet blanket, collecting it up with a fire poker before butting it into a glass container.

After the whole incident had passed everyone had gone back to there stations. Resuming with their work and carry on with their day. Fiddleford sat down at his desk and looked over his plans. Man, that's not how he thought he day was going to plan out.

FIDDLEFORD APPRECIATION MONTH. Week one- parallel Fiddleford Where stories live. Discover now