Day 6

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Some verbal abuse and low self esteem in this one, just to warn anyone.

Fiddleford awoke to the blaring beep of his alarm and groaned when he sat up. He rubbed the crusted sleep out of his eyes and turned to see the other half of his bed empty except for a sticky note on the pillow. He looked quizzically at the note before picking it up.
Gone to the institute early See you later. —Stanford
Fiddleford felt angry for a reason he couldn't quite put his finger on. Maybe it was the lack of an 'I love you' or the fact that Stanford had left early, well he's done that before. The reason for his anger was still unknown and he sat for a long while in bed trying to think of why until he scanned over the calendar hanging in the wall. He checked the date. Wait, today was the 29th. Today was his birthday. Fiddleford had found the root of his anger. His boyfriend had left him on his birthday with not even a happy birthday message on the sticky note. Fiddleford then caught himself, took in a deep breath and calmed down. "Come on Fiddleford, this is Stanford. He'd forget his own head of it wasn't attached ta his neck, plus I know he loves me cause he tells me every day" Fiddleford stated to himself, punctuating his sentence with a nod of his head and a justifiable smile. He then got out of bed and prepared for his day at work.

Five. Five people had already wished him a happy birthday and three of them didn't even work in the engineering lab. If three strangers could remember or take the time to know his birthday then why couldn't Stanford? That annoyed him. His assistant even bought him a gift. A very thoughtful gift, banjo polish. How could Stanford forget.
Wait. Breathe. Calm down. Focus.
Fiddleford thought of his reasoning from that morning. "Stanford's a very busy guy, he can't remember everything, right?" He questioned to himself as he walked into his office.
'If he really loved you he'd remember' a nasty voice in his mind stated. "That's true" he muttered as he set his bag into the desk. "But Stanford once forgot to shower for a whole week" he reasoned and sat down on his chair.
'But if he really cared he would make it his priority to remember' the voice hissed. Fiddleford thought about it for awhile. "But Stanford does care for me, he loves me" he said aloud to the non-existent voice.
'But does he really? Who could really love a clumsy hick that can't remember right, huh?' The voice snapped. His words cut through Fiddleford like a knife. Is that how everyone saw him? 'See you know it's true, I bet he left early this morning to spare him the image of waking up to your face and the only reason he stays with you cause he pities you' the voice spat, it's words burning in Fiddleford's head like snake venom. He began to cry know, listening to the fat lies of this evil voice. He whimpered into arms as he rested his head on the table.
'See you know it true!' It hissed, causing Fiddleford to snivel. Then he heard a knock against the door. "Go away Henry! I'm busy at the-" he was interrupted by someone coming through the door.
"Happy birth-Fidd what's wrong?" Stanford asked in a concerned tone. He was holding a bouquet of Fiddleford's favourite flowers from the Altzabar dimension. Fiddleford looked up at him with puffy eyes trying his best to wipe away the tears. Stanford rushed over to his desk and set aside the flowers before comforting his distressed boyfriend. "Fidd what's wrong?" He asked as he pulled him into a hug. "I-i thought y-you forgot" he hiccupped. His tears of sadness soon turning to tears of joy as Stanford pulled through and proved that horrible ingrown thought bubble wrong. "Me, I could never forget someone as important as you Fidd" Stanford stated before kissing him on the forehead. Fiddleford smiled and leaned in closer to Stanford's chest. "I love you" Fidd whispered. "I love you too" Stanford replied and stroked Fidd's back before reaching for the flowers. Fiddleford's eyes widened in surprise and glee. "The lunar flowers from the Altzabar dimension" he chimed in a surprised tone. "Well I knew how much you loved them" he smiled. Fiddleford took in a small wiff of the beautiful flowers fragrance. "We had out first kiss there" he grinned as he reminisced in the old memory.
They were sitting in a field of these flowers in the moonlight. Stanford was recording the strange behaviour of there plants. A gentle breeze drifted through the field causing silver dust to fill the air. Silver speckles floated on the wind, shining in the moonlight. Fiddleford glanced over at Stanford, who was jotting notes down in his book and let out a loud sigh "Sure is beautiful huh? It's a lot nicer if you watch it and not write about it" he giggled and pulled the book free from Stanford's lap. He took in the stunning view then glanced to the man beside him. Fiddleford did look especially beautiful in this moonlight, silver glitter falling in his hair. The man then looked at Stanford and their eyes locked. "Yeah, really beautiful" he whispered. They shared a gaze for a long time, slowly leaning closer and closer until their lips met. It was short and sweet but was just enough for them to feel like they were on cloud nine. Stanford blushed a deep red and looked down at his hands. "Does this mean we're dating?" He asked innocently. "I don't know" Fidd replied, he too was blushing a rather deep shade of pink. "D-do you want to?" He stuttered. Stanford swallowed hard at the question before nodding "Yeah, what about you?" he mumbled before looking almost hopefully up at Fiddleford. "Yeah, I'd like that too" he smiled. They both then looked up at the sky, watching the silver glitter descend slowly from the heavens above and somehow during the moment of serenity a six fingered hand entangled with Fiddleford's five fingered hand.
"Yeah, I remember" Stanford smiled and they shared a small kiss, feeling like they did that first night. Like everything around them didn't matter and they were floating in a endless river of weightlessness. What a way to feel on your birthday?

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