Day 7

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White, blank nothingness. That was all he saw. White, blank nothingness. His heart pounded against his rib cage and his skull buzzed. Just breathing was difficult, his throat felt raw from screaming and lungs felt like they had shrivelled up.
He landed against the concrete of the lab's flooring with a hard thwack. His limbs felt stiff but limp at the same time. He felt weightless but so heavy. A shrill ringing vibrated in his ears as he became aware of the world around him. He wasn't even sure if he was home or in that distant galaxy. Fiddleford felt the hot, sticky tears brim in his eyes and roll down his cheeks. Reality started to pour into his vision and he heard Stanford's call for him. Ford's voice quivered with every question as fear set in. Fiddleford felt his skin tingle and muscles unclench. "Fiddleford? What happened are you okay?" Ford asked, tone full of concern. Fiddleford felt the weight of Stanford's hand on his shoulder, gently shaking his weak body. "Fidd..please, god please Fiddleford" The brunette pleaded with tearful eyes as he pulled his assistant into his lap. Finally, Fiddleford drew in breath of air, he felt his lungs sting as they expanded. He could hear Stanford realise a shaky sigh of relief and hold him tighter.
Suddenly Fiddleford had the erg to cling on to the nearest source of comfort. His nails dug into Ford's skin as he desperately held onto his friend. He felt Stanford hold him tighter and the man's breath hot against his ear. Fiddleford felt the warm, dampness of Stanford's tears dribbling down his neck as he moved closer into Ford's body.
Slowly his breathing evened out and his grip loosened but Ford still held him close. Tears still poured down his face and an expression of terror still plastered upon his face. "A-are you okay?..oh g-god. Fiddleford I-i was so scared" Ford whimpered into his ear, his hands latching around Fiddleford in a desperate hug. "I-I, Stanford...I-I" he stammered with fear, trying his best to form a sentence. "Okay..ok, I-i know" he shushed, his voice catching in his throat as he tried to remain calm. "St-Stanford this,this is dangerous. We-we need to d..destroy it" Fidd gulped as the heaviness of his words lingered on his tongue. Stanford froze for a minuet, letting Fiddleford's statement sink in.
First confusion rose inside him, then anger, then sympathy and finally he opted to just set that aside for later. Right now he needed to comfort his partner as he cried into his chest, longing for something to stay grounded. Making sure he didn't try to rip at his hair or worse.
Fiddleford screwed his eyes shut and clenched his fists in Ford's coat. Traumatic images of horror flashed in and out of his mind, this was something dangerous. Something that Stanford couldn't help solve. This was something he needed to forget.

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