Day 13

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The mystery shack creaked as it slightly swayed in the summer breeze. This house was seriously old, 30 years precisely. It had been the home to both brothers and then some. Uncharacteristically however the shack was rather quiet, no longer loud and running rampant with customers, tourists and the occasional goblin monster as it was known for. No, today was calm and silent. Only a few quiet voices could be heard from the living room. Inside the house in one of the rooms, that was usually the epicentre of all the fun was where Stanford, his brother, Mcgucket, Dipper and Mabel lounged.

Stan was in his chair, Mabel and dipper either side of him and the scrapbook sitting in his lap. They were going over just little details, helping him remember things like the time he had a funeral for wax Stan or the time he taught Soos how to make the perfect ice cream sundae. 

Stanford was sitting at the living room table next to Fiddleford. They were sharing one of his journals to help him remember things too.  It was Mabel's idea to have a sort of 'memory jogging time/date' even though she failed to tell her great uncle the last part of the sentence. Ford and Mcgucket were going over some of the adventures they shared during their younger days.

The room was rather quite, only small giggles breaking the silence or even an outbreak of cheer when Stan remembered something. Ford would every so often glimpse up at Stan to see how he was doing, almost always meeting the gaze of Mabel before she looked away. That was odd.

The flicking sound of a page being turned below him made him focus back on Fiddleford. He heard Fidd have a slight intake of breath as he stared down at the new page. It soon came to Stanford's attention that he was looking at the page in which they went to the fair.
"I remember that day" Fiddleford cheered silently to himself, proud of this accomplishment. This day was long forgotten to him but now it all came rushing back. That carnival hand, the squash, the fair, Stanford saying they should go, the reasons for the surprise, the gremoblin...

There was a long pause of silence between them before Stanford decided to speak.
"I think I've still got the squash somewhere in the shack... if it hasn't already decomposed, I'm not sure how long a squash with a human face and emotions would last.." he trailed off as he fell deep into thought.
"I threw that ugly thing out" Stan's voice stated from the other side of the room. That pulled Ford out of his thoughts and made him scowl slightly.
"Its gord-geous" Fiddleford stated beside him as he read further down the page. Then something clicked.
"I said that!" He beamed up at Stanford, pleased with what he was remembering. The feeling of memories flooding back felt odd but familiar. His progress had been getting better and better with these 'memory jogging sessions' that Mabel thought of. He felt like his confidence was also growing with each page they read but Stanford was always reluctant to show him some pages. He completely understood and never pressed any further.
" said it looked like me before making that remark" Stanford stated, blushing slightly at the thought of it. A slight squealing sound could be heard coming from Mabel. They both looked up to see her trying hard to keep it together but over hearing their conversation.

There was a long pause in the whole room, as if no one had any idea of what to say. Everyone was looking at Mabel, she hardly noticed though because she was too busy focusing on the pairing she was destined to get together.
"Well this is getting awkward" Stan's voice boomed from his chair before standing up and setting the book on the seat behind him. This sudden motion seemed to thaw out the frozen scene. Stanford then also stood up followed by Fiddleford.

"It's, uhh, gettin' late 'n' I reckon I should be gettin' on home" Fidd stated shyly. Ford just smiled gently and nodded.
"Uhh yes, I guess it is. I'll show you out" he stated before escorting Fiddleford to the front door, almost hurrying him to the door for some privacy.

Dipper and Mabel sat quietly in the giant yellow arm chair, trying to listen to the conversation happening in the hallway but alas they must have been outside already because they couldn't hear anything.
"What are you thinking about?" Dipper interrogated his sister, who was now smiling so much her braced could have popped by the force.
"Nothing" she stated cooly. Before getting up and running to her room. She had a wedding to pre-plan, she could just tell those two were going to need all the help they could get with the pace their setting.

FIDDLEFORD APPRECIATION MONTH. Week one- parallel Fiddleford Where stories live. Discover now