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When I woke up I had a text from Jack saying that the hospital wanted to have their meeting early with him, whenever the consultants did this with Jack it was never good so I told him to prepare himself and I that I would speak to him after the meeting. I then saw that I had a text from Troye and Simon.
T:' I'm sorry I forced you into telling Leah about Simon, I get that you don't want to.'
I:' It's okay don't worry about I'm fine now.'
T:' do you want to do something to take your mind off of them both?'
I:' I'll pass I just want to relax have a day to myself without having to worry about anything or anyone for a change.'
T:' okay well I'll see you later.'
I:' yeah I'll probably come over tomorrow.' After I finished texting Troye I opened the message that I had from Simon.
S:'What were you going to tell Leah yesterday?' He asked
I:'Nothing that concerns you. Why are you texting me Simon?'
S:'Because I wanted to know what yesterday was about, are you jealous?'
I:'What of Leah? God no she's welcome to you I turned you down for a reason and I'm going to stick to it.'
S:'whatever you say Iris😏'
I:' whatever🙄'
After I finished texting Simon I got out of bed and went over to my wardrobe to get changed into some clothes.

When I got changed since it was a nice day I decided that I would go and take some pictures of the outside as that is something that I liked to do when I wasn't playing football or spending time with Jack and my mum

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When I got changed since it was a nice day I decided that I would go and take some pictures of the outside as that is something that I liked to do when I wasn't playing football or spending time with Jack and my mum. When I left the house I bumped into the one person I was trying to avoid, Simon.
"Iris wait up!" He called out to me
"Just leave me alone Simon." I carried on walking away from him but then he grabbed my shoulder and made me stop in my tracks
"Are you going to tell me why you turned me down?" He asked me
"Seriously?! You're basically dating Leah and all you want to know is why I don't want to go out with you? You have a girl who clearly adores you and you want to know why I turned you down?" I asked him in disbelief
"Yeah I do, so tell me." He replied
"I already told you, I can't have a relationship with you at the moment I have so many things going on in my life and having a boyfriend will just complicate them massively." I explained,

"So what you just casually flirting with me at the meet and greet was for nothing?" He asked me and I instantly felt so so bad because I had forgotten all about the meet and greet situation
"No it wasn't nothing, look I'm not going to lie to you Simon when Leah said that she fancied you it hurt I felt jealous and just bitter about it, I didn't know what to do or say to her and it was in the heat of the moment so I told her to go and get your number and after that I felt like shit. But when I came back into the room when I didn't know that you had turned up at Leah's flat I was going to tell her that I liked you but when I saw you sitting there with your arm around her looking cosy I bottled it and left."
"Iris, you're such an idiot." He said as a little laugh escaped his lips
"What I-I don't understand?"
"You are the most selfless person I have ever met you care so much for others and you do what's right by them, but you need to do what's right by you sometimes even if that means telling your best friend that you like her date." He smirked at me which made me smile
"I can't do that to her, for now, be my friend that's all I'm asking just for us to be friends and for you to wait." I asked
"You're so unpredictable Iris but sure I'll wait." He smiled at me Simon and I then hugged and I walked away from him with a smile on my face, maybe I was betraying Leah and I don't know why I just didn't care and neither did Simon by the looks of things we were just going to be friends and take it slow.

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