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Chanyeol's pov 

"Guys you did a great job last night, I am so proud of you. So when we land in Seoul you are going to have fun sign." our manager declared making half of us to wake up. 

"Agh, again can we have a little rest this days." Baekhyun protested lazily wallowing in his chair like a restless child.

"Sorry guys but have a patient." manager said sadly leaving nine of us in business class. We are in plane right now, last night we had a concert in Paris. All of us had some great experience from France but now we are on way to go home. 

"I just cannot believe that this is going to happen again. We really work too much I am so exhausted. Mommy.." Sehun made some puppy face crying childishly. 

Suho, who was having headphones in ears, spoke up taking headphones out. "Boys just wait. I am sure we will have some rest soon."

I am sure too my head hurts so much this days. We all need rest just one rest. I am pretending that I sleep because I don't want to have a conversation with someone, but however I have heard their conversation, uffffff so annoying. 

"Is Chanyeol sleeping?" Lay asked but I haven't  moved and my eyes are still closed.

"Leave him to rest he is tired." Kai murmured. 

"Chanyeol is quiet and withdrawn these days what is going on with him, he has some problem?" Xiumin questioned others. How can I not to be withdrawn, everyone annoys me we work too much and my head will explode soon. Some times I really want to go on mountain to be alone with out phone, computers and people. 

"Yes, Xiumin is right he is strange these days." I heard Suho's voice. "What you think about it Kyungsoo?" Suho asked Kyungsoo. 

"Yahh, really I don't know okay but can you please stop blowing in my neck." Kyungsoo yelled hitting Suho. 

"Ouchhh, okay dude calm down." Suho murmured and as always they start to talk about some stupid topics.

I turned myself on other side and opened my eyes staring through window I have not listened to their colloquy so I am trying to focus on something else. Looking through window in plane I am seeing spacious blue sky that looks so infinitely. Through clouds I see Seoul , I didn't see my city for a long time. I am glad that I can be there again thanks God. 

After 20 minutes we landed in Seoul. 

"Aaaa finally I am going to call my mom" Sehun screamed happily running out.  He really acts like kid. 

"Guys I am going to see Krystal we have to meet. Bye." Kai waved running toward exit to see his love. 

"Let's grab some food, what you think about it?" Suho suggested making boys to nod as respond. Lazily I started to follow them pulling my tired legs one after the other. This is going to be one more tired day. So we entered in one very famous lunch bar and sat for tables waiting waiter to come. 

"Guys we should be quick I am thinking that other people are recognizing us." Kyungsoo uttered scared. 

"Calm down everything will be fine." Lay consoled him. 

But Kyungsoo has right other people and fans noticed us and we become all uncomfortably about that. I got up first saying "Let's go guys." 

"Yah! This is EXO!"

"I cannot believe I am seeing them!!"

"Aaaaaaaa I LOVE YOU EXO"

"AAAA Baekhyun you are my bae!"

"SARANGHAE!!" We heard our fans yelling and screaming. They, as always, become crazy when they see us. 

"Come on guys hurry up." Baekhyun yelled and we all started running out  wanting to escape from our fans. Despite running like crazy our fans are right behind us. I have could clearly hear his loud screaming which is becoming louder in any moment. 

"What should we do?" Chen yelled fearfully. 

"Let's go through that street" Xiumin suggested and we all veered from road running  speedily toward street which looks so old and remote. When we arrived we all crouched down being quite that fans cannot hear us. And on our luck fans just continued to run on main road looking for us .

"Thanks God we survived this time." DO said sighing deeply.

"I will call manager to come and pick us." Chen said taking out his phone to call manager. 

"Yeah hurry up Chen." Lay uttered. 


We are sitting on some old bins while we are waiting our manager to come. "Where is that man I am getting crazy here." I shouted angrily getting up and kicking that old bin. I hate when I need to wait something very long . If you said that you will come than you should come uhhh I cannot believe that this is happening. 

"Yah Chanyeol calm down." Suho tried to calm me. 

"Dude relax I am sure he is coming." Baekhyun added too, in that moment big black van parked in front of street. 

"This is manager guys let's go." Kyungsoo said happily and other boys got up making way toward van. We all hoped in and manager started the engine. 

"Wow, this fans are sometimes so crazy." Lay shouted angrily. 

"Are you injured guys?" Our manager who is driving right now, turned his head asking us fearfully. 

"Don't worry we are all okay." Xiumin answered. 

"Great than, let's go in company." he said 


After few minutes we arrived and all boys made his ways toward SM Entertainment, but me. I want to go home and take some nap. My body and head is so exhausted from everything I need time for myself and to move away from all. So I didn't follow them nor I went toward my car. 

"Hey Chanyeol were are you going?" I heard Baekhyun's voice behind me but I ignored him. 

"Leave him alone for now." Suho's voice spoke up and I started my engine making way toward main road. 

My head will explode I am feeling like I cannot do this job anymore. Being popular in start is perfect but now this doesn't make me happy. I want time for myself I want changes in my life I want something different. I think I am gripped by depression and that can't anymore, sometimes I think I should die. Pretending that I have great life and that fans love me is sick. I am sick of all fans and all boys in group I just cannot take this anymore. 

"I want to go home." I whispered to myself starting to cry like some kid with out mom. What is worse while I was in road rain started to fall so I couldn't see clearly. "Ahh shit I hate rain." I bellowed again hitting steering wheel with my fist. 

Thinking all time I didn't notice that I stray from the road all what I know is that I am passing some trees and that I am driving on same old road. "Aaaa, what the fuck is that? Why I cannot do anything right?" I lost my tantrum and from all querulous in my body I turned from road kicking in big tree...

"Mister are you okay?" everything what I heard is someone's voice...

"Are you alive?" one more time I heard her...

"Please help me.." I whispered and everything get blurry ..

to be continued.... 

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