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Jiyeon's pov

Seeing him all sad and lost seemed very crazy and somehow unbearable, because I definitely understand him. I can understand his crazy situation it's not easy when you realize that you even don't know who are you. 

That strange boy has sat in corner of my room alone while his head was lean on his knees. He is sitting there for a long time, he didn't even eat. 

"Mister, eat this meat. It's great." I laughed happily trying to make him smile just a little but he raised his head ignoring me like some fool. 

"Don't call me mister although I don't know  how old I am, I am sure that I am not old as you think." he said impudently.

"Okay, don't be so rude." I said all gloomy sitting next to him offering him food. 

"I am not hungry."  he declared. 

"Of course that you are you didn't for a long time." I was stubborn.

"No." he moved his head, however he is a angry and sad his behavior is totally cute and pretty, he is like kid. 

"Okay I won't beg you." I shrugged putting food near him.  "I want to give you a name." very timidly I stuttered looking at him. Slowly he raised his head looking at me with his big eyes. 

"Okay, do what ever you want  but this is until I remember my real name." he blushed. 

"Hmmm what you think about Dangling boy." I suggested smiling. 

"What!" he shouted grabbing his ears. "Are you insane? If I have big ears this is not a reason to give me name like that." he frowned angrily. Such a kid.

"Okay don't be angry." I smiled. "What you think about Puppy." I suggested again. 

"Why Puppy?"

"You have nice and fluffy hair and big eyes like some dog, it's cute." I smiled again but it is true, when I see his face it is more cute than sexy. 

"No way  I am good looking guy." he frowned again. 

"Grouchy!" I uttered remembering the Smurfs. He is just like Grouchy all sulky and cranky. 

"Ahh do what ever you want." he sighed annoyingly leaning his head on knees again. I got up and cleaned my clothes staring at him.

"Grouchy, I am going now to help my grandmother about vegetables outside when you take rest you should come out." I declared leaving my room but I didn't leave for real my head peeped in the room to see what will he does with food and on my surprise he pulled toward himself bowl with a food and started to eat. "I knew it." I laughed proudly making way toward my grandma who is in the garden and working with others  peasants. 

Yangdong is very small village where leave ordinary peasants who work every day on their fields and gardens to feed. We don't have electricity, television, phones and stuffs like that. Everything what we have is our village where we work. Sometimes we go in Seoul to sell some of our products like milk, cheese, vegetables and fruit. On that way we earn a lot of money where we use that money to pay things for working the land.

"Grandma I am here!" I shouted running toward her.

"Jiyeon take potatoes and put them in the bag." my grandma spoke up. I just nodded taking bag to put potatoes there because later other people are going in Seoul to sell them.

Chanyeol's pov 

To be honest lunch was totally okay, I still cannot believe that I ate all of it. "Grouchy?" I murmured frowning my face. "It's really rude, how can she gave me name like Grouchy? I am not her dog!" I talked with myself bellowing all time. I am really crazy. 

I got up lazily looking through window watching Jiyeon and his grandmother how work outside in land. I have seen something very interesting on Jiyeon, she accustoms to work all day with any revolt and with smile on her face. She works with heart.

"What a weirdo." I murmured and making way toward exit. I really want to see how other people work. When I got out I saw a lot of peasants who work hardly and they are smiling and kidding. I am feeling strange somehow like I have never seen life in people like them. Who knows what my job was when I feel like this?

"Grouchy!" Jiyeon called me. "Do you want to help us?" she asked me.

"No" I was rude and Jiyeon just shrugged. The way she neglected me made me strange and angry somehow. "Okay, what should I do?" I said nervously.

"Help me with potatoes." she giggled like she is glad I changed my mind. Quietly I approached near her and she was holding big bag while I was putting potatoes in the bag. "What will we do with them?" I asked her continuing to work.

"We will sell them." she answered and I just nodded. "You are really clumsy, what is your profession?" 

"I cannot remember my own name how can I know my profession?" I was serious. 

"Aahhh yeah sorry." she made sad face.

We filled a bag with potatoes and put it in van through which are transported fruit and vegetables in the city. I can say job wasn't hard and somehow it was interesting when you work with someone else, I like it.

"Come with me I will show you sheep." Jiyeon chuckled like kid. 

"Sheep, ohh I am not sure about it?" I protested. 

"Come on." she grabbed my hand dragging me behind. 

Very soon we arrived on home hill above the village where were a lot of sheep. I cannot explain how beautiful glance is from that hill everything look so natural green and shiny, like I am in paradise. Trees are around me and I could hear birds and I feel how wind touch my face. It's just beautiful and wonderful. 

"I .. i feel like I never saw places like this."  I stuttered nervously staring at Jiyeon who was playing with sheep. 

"That mean you are from town." she declared giving foot to sheep.

"You think that?" I asked her curiously.

"I am sure. Tourists very often come here and they act just like you. You are from some very big city, maybe from Seoul?" she talked. 

"Ahh I.. I am not sure. Maybe you are right." I uttered shrugging. 

Jiyeon sat on the ground and  took lamb at her laps, she looks so sweet and adorable with animals like some little angel. She noticed that I am staring at her and asked me "Why are you looking at me?" 

I snapped out clearing my throat "I am not looking at you." I raised my head pretending important.

"Hahhahaha okay." she focused attention on little lamb which she was cuddling. I rubbed my head like some idiot and approached toward her sitting near. I couldn't help myself so I continued to stare at Jiyeon trying to memorize any peace of her skin, her lips , beautiful smile and dark hear like night. I don't know what is happening to me but I have wanted to watch Jiyeon forever while my heart pound like crazy. 

Suddenly she has moved her head closer facing me, when she realized that my face is so near her I saw that her smile vanished and she has become serious, also her cheeks got red and eyes bigger.  I have been so close near her face that I felt warm breath from her mouth. 

bum bum...bum bum.... bum bum... strong heartbeats <3

 to be continued..

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