I've found who I am

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Jiyeon's pov

Looking him how sleep was the biggest happiness. His soft skin, sweet big ears, messy hair which slowly was covering his already closed eyes and his plump lips were totally wet and that looked so sexy on him.  Am I in love with him? I cannot say that I am not but I am not sure that he likes me. I am just one poor girl from village while he looks like some popular actor from Seoul. 

"Are you staring at me?" suddenly Grouchy  spoke up looking at me giving me ~you are crazy~ glance. I didn't even notice that I was so close his face.

"Ohh sorry!" I uttered nervously and blushing all time but he surprised me when he grabbed me for my arm and pulled closer him. My head fell on his chest and I was in that position that I was lying on him. I widened my eyes while my heart was beating soundly. "G...Grouchy?" I was stuttering nervously.

"Shhh, be quiet." he whispered hugging me with his arms. "Wait 5 minutes, please." he added and than he took the blanket and covered us. I  wanted to die. Although I was nervous I liked it, never in my life I slept on someone's chest. I didn't resist, so I closed my eyes and with smile on my face I have slept on his chest hearing his heart how faster and faster beats.

After one an hour I got up and went out from room. I didn't  want to wake Grouchy up, because I know that he is tired. Last night he was working very hard with others peasants on land. I can say that he didn't look happy about it but what can we do grandmother made him to work a lot.  

I went  outside to give a food to my cows and feed other animal near my house. My grandmother is very old so she cannot do that hard things. So I entered in stall and gave food to my cows and in moment when I wanted to get out my stopped when I saw Grouchy how squats in front of stall. 

"What are you doing here?" he startled me.

"Ahh I am so bored Jiyeon, let's do something  fun?" he made baby face.

"You are such a big baby." I murmured tiredly taking a bucket with water how can I pour it to cows. "Can you help me with this. It's so heavy." I said feeling pain at my back. 

"No, I can't do that job, it's dirty. I am sure I am working in some big company so this is not job for me." he murmured lazily. 

"What? Hahhaha okay big star I don't care." I laughed ironically continuing to walk toward stall.

"Okay, okay don't be angry Jiyeon I will help you." immediately he got up and took the bucket carrying it instead me. 

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly. That strange boy can seriously some times be so gentleman and good boy. 

"Jiyeon Grouchy!" Grandma yelled. 

"Yes." I answered. 

"Two of you need to go in Seoul to sell some vegetables." my grandma declared. 

"Great we will do it." I answered happily, this looked a great chance that Grouchy and I spent time together in the city. I can show him everything. 

"Grouchy did you heard my grandmother we are going in Seoul." I laughed happily.

"Seriously? It will be totally great." he smiled.

Soon we prepared and took vegetables which we can sell in Seoul and  went on the road through the woods where we can faster get to town. Grouchy was carrying more vegetables in his bags instead of me. He really acts like very loving sweet boy.

"Are you in love?" I asked him. 

"In love? I am not sure maybe I was in love but I cannot remember, maybe I have girlfriend?" he questioned himself. I was hoping that he is going to say something about me, but nothing as I expected. So I was quiet all time I should not have hope and now I am disappointed. He should have some cool girl not me.

Very soon  we arrived in center of Seoul where other people sell some things and Grouchy and I found place for us and started selling our vegetables. He was lazy as usually and I was doing more work but it's okay I am used on it he always acts like king. "You are going to sit there all time or you will help me?" I asked him madly. 

"Okay okay I will help you." he said lazily frowning his face all time. 

"I am sorry but how much cost onions?" one woman approached asking us. 

"3$." Grouchy answered rudely. That guy really need to annoy me or what? I approached him and kicked his head that he moaned. In that moment woman raised head and gave glance toward us.

"Wow you are so good looking guy. I am going to buy onions from you." she was obviously surprised with his handsomeness "Here money, I am going to treat you with 10$" she gave him 10$ and Grouchy was so surprised. 

"Omo thank you so much." he bowed politely keeping smile on his face all time. "Did you see Jiyeon, she gave me 10$" he screamed from happiness looking at me. It was very nice seeing his smiling eyes. 

"Yes, you did a great job." I tapped his head and he hugged me like some kid. My heart almost stopped. 

"Jiyeon, let's earn a lot of money and I am going to buy you ice cream okay?" he giggled all time and I nodded him as a respond make him knows that I am proud of him. He can acts like little cute baby who is satisfied with candy and that make him so adorable. 

After selling all vegetables I brought him one mini coffee shop where I can buy him sweet drink and ice cream he definitely deserve it. "What you want to drink?" I asked. 

"Something sweet and I want ice cream." he said sweetly making some cute facial expressions. I bought him sweet coffee and ice cream of strawberries. "Why strawberries?" he questioned searching ice cream. 

"I love strawberries a lot." I smiled a lot.

"Really than I like it too." he smiled and began to eat ice creams.

"Okay, eat a lot you worked very hard today." I tapped his head. And it was true Grouchy worked a lot, just because he is handsome guy a lot of girls treated him with money, also some girls asked for his number and I am glad that he doesn't have a phone. 

After eating we made way toward bus station where we can go home. Very soon we arrived there and suddenly Grouchy spoke up "Jiyeon, this .... is that me?" 

I looked on way where he was staring and my eyes widened when I saw  big Grouchy picture on the bus station. He was in good and expensive clothes with nice hair and he really has seemed like idol. 

"This is you Grouchy." I yelled happily approaching toward picture trying to compare him and that guy from picture. "This is really you." I added happily unbelieving what I saw.

"It looks like I am really some idol right?" he couldn't believe. I read his name from picture where was writing Park Chanyeol.

"Park Chanyeol. Is this your name?" I asked him agog. 

"Chanyeol..Park Chanyeol." in that moment while he was saying his name Grouchy got a big headache that he grabbed his head from all pain. 

"Are you okay?" scared I approached toward wanting to help me but I couldn't know how. He was yelling and holding his head like he is dying. "Come on tell me something please" I started to cry. "Someone please help me!" shouting all time I was hopping someone will help me and Grouchy collapsed on ground.

to be continued..

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