Almost kiss

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Kai's pov

It has been three days when Chanyeol disappeared. We all called him but he doesn't answer also Chen tried to contact his parents but they don't know where is he. We all get scared that something happened him, it will be great that he text us but this is not happening. We cannot find his car and also Kyungsoo and Baekhyun called all hospitals in city and we just cannot find him. Chanyeol where are you?

"Maybe he just left from us on some vacation to take a rest from everything. He really looked depressing these days." I said making up good excuses. We all were sitting in our practicing room thinking about Chanyeol.

"No way I am sure he will text us or call us something happened to him" Lay commented.

"Yah.. yahh don't say that." Xiumin panicked.

"Ahh what is going on with him?" Kyungsoo worried. 

"I don't know, he needs to show up immediately. " Chen uttered sadly lowering his head like some kid. "What is fans find out?" he added. 

"They won't we also have to say to manager that we cannot find Chanyeol." Sehun lowered his head knowing that manager is going to get crazy.

"Not yet, we cannot say to him yet he is going to kill us." Suho uttered raising his voice.

"I really hope we will find him, what if he died?" Baekhyun screamed. 

"Don't talk nonsense he is fine I am sure in it." I said seriously looking at all members who are scared and concern for Chanyeol. If he doesn't appear soon we will have to say manager and all agency that he disappeared. 

 Chanyeol's pov

"Grouchy!" Jiyeon yelled sweetly walking behind me. My heart on moment fluttered making me nervous and blush. It was obviously that I like her voice and her cuteness. 

"Don't call me Grouchy!" I ordered pretending like I am angry but I am not, actually I am smiling. we are walking through some very nice  plains and meadows and surrounded with green trees, I am really in a paradise. Somehow I feel like I have wanted to live here forever like I was not satisfied with my life which I don't remember. 

"Grouchy, we walk for a very long time my legs hurt." Jiyeon said weary still walking behind me like little dog. 

I ignored her and very sudden I stopped to walk when at once I paid attention on big tree in front of me. Jiyeon didn't see that I stopped to walk and her little head kicked at my beck.

"Ouc..ooh why are you standing there?" she questioned me.

"That tree? " I stuttered staring in beautiful big tree in front of me which has red flowers.

"It's cherry. That tree is very old." she spoke up.

"It's so beautiful let's go there." without thinking I walked there very fast. 

"Yah yah wait for me!" Jiyeon ran. 

Very fast we arrived near that tree. "I want to climb. " I declared putting my hands on cherry wanting to climb myself up. 

"No no, it's dangerous. " Jiyeon shouted at me grabbing me around my hips. That girl really loves to make me nervous seriously. So very gently I took off her hands from my lips and she noticed that her little hands were round me and immediately get shy. "Sorry." she lowered her head smiling sweetly."

"I will be okay I just want to see a view from highness ." I continued to climb up. 

"Grandma will kill us if she find out." Jiyeon yelled worriedly but as always I just  continued to climb on this big cherry. When I arrived the glance was totally cool, I could see a trees, plains and meadows people who work so hard on the land and kids who are playing with ball, they all looks so happy and satisfied. I like ti so much. 

"Are you okay?" Jiyeon's voice spoke up.

"Yeah yeah everything is fine here." I answered but suddenly the branch which was below me broke and I fell down. In the moment when I was falling down I closed my eyes and at once I felt that I fell on something soft so I barely opened my eyes and noticed I am lying on Jiyeon. Her little chubby face has been so near me. Big shiny dark eyes little nose, lips all of that I could see with such close. 

"Are you okay?" I gulped nervously. 

"Y.. yes." she stuttered nervously looking directly in my eyes. She was totally nervous her cheeks got red and I could notice that blood in her body boiled from nervousness. I was strange my heart  hit my chest so strong I really have wanted to touch her red lips. So I was ready to do it. I sighed deeply looking her in eyes than I swallowed my saliva slowly approaching toward her lips. Jiyeon understood that I am going to kiss her and she didn't push me away from herself, what surprised me she closed her eyes expecting my kiss. 

On her cuteness I just smiled watching her closed eyes and pursed lips. "So beautiful." I commented whispering to myself than I put my lips on her nose. I gave her peck on nose. Jiyeon immediately opened her eyes looking disappointed at me. 

"Aoohhh, seriously? Ahh my beck!" I started to bellow getting up from her and holding my back. I was pretending that my back hurts because I needed to turn off this unpleasant moment. 

"Omo, are you okay." she worriedly stood up and raised my shirt to see my back. "You have a lot of bruise on back." she said watching my back. 

"Seriously? Ohh it hurts." I screamed falsely.  

"Let's go home my grandmother will heal you for sure." Jiyeon uttered and two of us made way toward home. I am sorry because I didn't kiss her but it seemed like I am doing something wrong. I don't know. 

When we arrived Jiyeon and I entered in old house and on the door was waiting Jiyeon's grandmother. "Where have you been?" she yelled angrily at us. "It so dark outside, are you insane?" she added hitting Jiyeon on the back. 

"Yah, grandma don't touch her please." I put Jiyeon behind my back and grandma started to him me. 

"I was waiting you for a long time, you insolent kids." grandma was yelling at us hitting me because I was protecting Jiyeon. It was very funny actually.

"Stop hitting him." I heard Jiyeon's voice. And after few seconds she stopped. 

"Go in room immediately, I will bring you food." grandma sighed madly and Jiyeon and I anon ran in her room closing door behind us. 

"Hhahahahahahhhahha.." I started to laugh.

Jiyeon looked crazily at me thinking am I normal "Why are you laughing?" she questioned. 

"Hahaah your grandma is so fun." I laughed again. 

And Jiyeon couldn't hold her laugh inside and she started to laugh with me "Hahhahahah." Two of us laughed retarded holding our stomachs. 

to be continued... 

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