Adorable stranger

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Jiyeon's pov

It was very dark outside and  I was coming back from mountain carrying lop at my back. Rustic life is very difficult but I am really used on it because all my life I have spend here in village with animals and friends having fun every day.  I really live little different from other people who live in big towns, for me being in village is okay. I am happy here. 

So while I was coming back from mountain in my village which name is Yangdong , I saw that near my house someone had accident. "What happened?"  I bellowed rapidly running toward broken car throwing lop from my back. I was hopping that person in car will be alive.

When I arrived I looked in car and noticed one very handsome guy who was faint in car also from his head was coming out so much blood that I thought that he is dead. "Mister are you okay?" I opened door from car and asked him worriedly trying to swap his blood from head. "Are you alive?" I questioned him this time litter louder in hope that he will hear me. 

"Please help me." suddenly he spoke up through whisper fainting again. I was very thankful that he is alive. 

"It's okay I will help you." I said putting him at my back. Stranger is very tall and heavy so I can't care him, so hence I am actually dragging him behind me trying to come home fast. 

On my luck house is not far away from accident and after few minutes we arrived. 

"Grandmother!" I called my grandma to help to bring in that stranger boys. 

"Omo Jiyeon who is that?" My grandma asked scared helping me. 

"I find him near house he had an accident we should help him." I said helping my grandma. We took stranger in the house and lay him on the bed. I brought water and towels to wipe his blood from head and also I should take off his dirty clothes because he is all bloody and dirty from sludge and wear him something else. 

"Jiyeon please rise his head I am going to give him green tea. It's good for relaxation and brain, it will help him." Grandmother ordered and I did it mildly I raised his head opening his mouth that my grandma can give him tea. 

"He will be okay? Right?" I asked her worriedly. 

"I hope so." she murmured frowning his face. That adorable stranger had very nice face so white like milk and very cool hair also his clothes  is awesome. I am sure that he is some popular singer or maybe actor, let's say that he looks like rich boy. 

On his injury on head I put  medicinally herbs which will help that his injury heal very soon. Than I have covered his body with blanket and laid down on floor behind him in case that he wake up. "I really don't know what happened to you, but I am sure that you are going to heal soon." I whispered closing my eyes trying to sleep. 

In the morning...

Chanyeol's pov

I opened my eyes feeling some kind of pain in head it was very hard that I couldn't see clearly and everything around me has been blurry. 

"Stranger are you thirsty?" I heard one very kind voice around me so that made me to rub my eyes and focus my glance at that girl who was above me. She had a face of angel, totally mild and soft while her big eyes has some special charming which made my heart to beat like crazy. 

"Who... who are you?" I stuttered scared staring at her dark eyes. 

"I am Jiyeon, do you remember you had car accident last night?" She asked me and I immediately got up staring at her. 

"I had what?" I was totally lost in my mind. I couldn't remember anything.

"Accident." she repeated one more time staring at me all confused. "What is your name?" she questioned me and that question befuddled me.

"My name?" I couldn't remember. I haven't known who I am, where I am from? "I don't know?" I answered all scared and lost. How can I lost my mind and forgot who I am? What happened to me?

"Really are you kidding me?" girl in front of me asked frowning her face.  But I really don't know who am I, where I am from and what happened to me! "I am sure you have amnesia from accident, maybe if you take rest or some medicine you will get better." she consoled me. 

"I am scared and I'm feeling strange here." I wanted to cry my heart has beaten at my chest like crazy. 

"Hey hey, try to relax I am sure you will remember latter who you are." that girl tried to approach me but I was very frightened that I moved step beck. "Don't be scared of me I saved you." she smiled. 

"You saved me? Where was accident I should have go there and see it." I was agog. But how couldn't I, I feel like my brain is going to explode because I cannot remember who am I and where I belong.

"You will go there latter but first calm down I want to help you okay?" stranger girl has been very careful and goodwill and somehow I believe her despite not knowing her she calmed me down and persuaded me to trust her. As respond I nodded slowly sitting down on floor. "Good wait here I will bring you food you will like it." she smiled leaving me. 

I looked round myself and noticed some very old house which looked very unfamiliar for me. I am sure that I am not from here. Actually I felt it, but somehow I was feeling like my brain doesn't belong to my body, I feel like I am from nowhere like I am born again. 

"Mmmm, this is so good, my grandmother made this for you." girl arrived holding in her hands bowl of hot soup. 

I took it smelling soup just to see what is this. "T.. thanks.." I stuttered eating. 

"So you really cannot remember what is your name?" she asked me making to stop eating and pay attention on her. 

"I can't." I answered simply trying to eat again. 

"It's okay don't worry everything will be fine." she uttered smiling. 

"What is your name?" I asked her because I am not sure did she tell me. 

"My name is Jiyeon." Jiyeon smiled again. "When you take a rest I will told you everything and show you place where was accident." 

I just nodded worriedly eating trying to focus my mind on who am I. I also tried to recall my past in hope that I will remember something any part. But I found nothing, my brain is totally empty I am sure in that. When I finished my food I got up and Jiyeon bring me outside. 

"This is my village Yangdong, you will like it." she smiled while I took a glance around. It is a little village where people work and as I noticed they don't have electricity. How can they leave like that? "I will reveal the place where you had accident." she added staring to walk and I like some puppy began to follow her scared.

We were walking trough the forest about 10 minutes and than we exit on some road and walked two or three minutes when I noticed some very expensive car who is in very poor condition. Car looks totally broken. 

"This is my car?" I asked her approaching closer.

"Yes, hardly you survived." she murmured. I have watched car for a long time and I just couldn't remember anything.  I was so angry that I kicked the car with my leg groaning loudly. "What is happening to me? I cannot remember anything what is going on?" I yelled out loud cutting out anger from me.

"Hey, please calm down everything will be okay?" Jiyeon stepped near me leaning his arm on my should and somehow her touch helped me to calm down just a little. I faced her and saw her big shiny eyes which are sending positively energy and that calmed my hear for a moment.

to be continued...

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