I love you

19 1 5

Jiyeon's pov

In last one year I always visit concerts of Exo group just see Chanyeol, to see is he okay. And every time when I come  I got nervous and sad because I see him and he doesn't see me and I immediately get worse. Seeing him that he is going well with friends my heart is satisfied. I am glad that he forgets me and this is okay, I am just nobody. 

I decided last time to come on his concert to see him just one more time and I have promised to myself that I will never come to see him anymore. So I wore nice dress and come on Exo's concert for last time. 

"Chanyeol it's your turn. Do you remember your first love?" Suho asked Chanyeol I got curious to heard who is that because he never told me about his first love.

"My first love?" Chanyeol stuttered nervously. "Ahh, I really had a lot of girls in my life but my first love happened last year in one village. Actually this is not Chanyeol's first love it's Grouchy's." when he said it I snapped out staring at him. My eyes got wet and I feel like all my tears where at my throat. I couldn't believe what he said. Is it possible that he didn't forget me?

"Grouchy? Who is he?" Sehun asked and all fans got silent.

"Grouchy is one side of me who learned how to enjoy in life and how to love. That side of me learned that you can live in place where you don't have any electricity and money but still you can live happy just because you are with person who you love more than your life." he talked slowly while I could hear his voice shivered a bit. I started to cry dramatically just hearing how he talks. I didn't even know that he likes me. 

Anon I went out of concert crying all time and trying to find his car where I can wait for him and talk with him. I really have to say that I miss him a lot and that I like him more than my life. I was running tiredly toward his car crying like little baby. And very soon I noticed hi, near car how is entering in. 

"Grouchy!" I called him sobbing and he slowly stopped to move turning his head to my direction. He was very surprised Chanyeol was staring at me for a long time, like he couldn't believe that he sees me. 

"Jiyeon." finally he uttered my name. I wiped my tears and slowly continued to walk toward him suddenly Chanyeol closed the door from car and walked toward me very fast actually he was running . At once he hugged me very strongly while my head was on his chest and I again started to cry hugging him more and more. 

"I miss you so much." I sobbed at his chest while my tears didn't stop to roll down at my cheeks. 

"I am sorry because I didn't come to see you, please forgive me." Chanyeol's voice trembled hugging me stronger. "I love you so much, please don't leave me." he added touching my hear. 

"I love you too." I added crying more and Chanyeol grabbed my cheeks wiping tears using his thumbs and suddenly he moved my head little closer kissing me with his soft red lips. That was our first kiss and our lips are merged as puzzles. Slowly he was moving his lips holding me tightly that I cannot escape from his hug. 

2 years later..

Baekhyun's pov

"Where is that stupid Chanyeol he is going to late on his own wedding?" I yelled nervously trying to call him but he isn't answering. We are in a hall for wedding and we are all ready expect Chanyeol who is late. I and Lay were in front of room where Jiyeon is preparing for wedding. 

"That moron, Jiyeon will be sad definitely. I will try to call him again." Lay was angry. 

"Okay call him, I am going to see is she ready." I declared entering in room where Jiyeon is. I was very surprised when I saw how beautiful she is. Wonderful white wedding dress beautiful hair and very nice makeup makes her so adorable. 

"Jiyeon you are very pretty." I gave her a compliment. 

"Baekhyun, ohh you are here. I am very glad to see you." Jiyeon get up and hugged me. "Where is Chanyeol?" she questioned. 

"C.. Chanyeol, he is okay." I stuttered lousy that idiot must to show up right now.

"I am little nervous Baekhyun." she blushed. 

"Everything will be fine, you are adorable" one more time I hugged me.

Chanyeol's pov

Rapidly I entered in wedding hall running toward Jiyeon's room but there were exo's boys. "Chanyeol, you are here finally." Kai shouted. 

"Where have you been, wedding is about to begin?" Lay yelled. 

"Sorry boys I needed to buy flowers for Jiyeon." I explained tiredly breathing. I was holding at my hands red rouses. 

"Okay okay hurry up now you have to be in front of registrar before Jiyeon." Kyungsoo yelled and we rushed to the registrar where  other friends and guests where waiting for us also there was and Jiyeon's grandmother. The hall was decorated with rouses and lights and everything was adorable and glamorous. 

I stepped in front of registrar waiting Jiyeon and suddenly on the door she appeared like magic. On her was a beautiful white wedding dress decorated with lace, she looks like angel who came from heaven to calm my heart.  She walked slowly approaching me and I was proud that I have Jiyeon in my life and spending my life with her make me happiest man in the world.

Very soon she was next to me and I gave her rouses which she loves. "You are wonderful." I commented keeping my eyes on her all time. 

"Thanks you are adorable to Grouchy." she declared smiling all time. 

And registrar started to talk. I can say that he was talked a lot but I got very nervous on part where we have to say I DO. 

"Park Chanyeol do you take Jiyeon for wife?" registrar asked.

"Yes I do." I uttered proudly and all clapped. 

"Park Jiyeon do you take Chanyeol for husband?"

"I do." she clutched my arm happily and I smiled a lot.

"I pronounce you husband and wife you can kiss the bride?" I was so happy that immediately I grabbed Jiyeon's cheeks and kissed her gentle while other were clapping happily. 

After kiss Xiumin gave me wedding ring and I put it on Jiyeon's finger after that she took other ring and put on my finger. 

"I love you." she whispered kissing me one more time. 

"This is so touching." Chen started to crying leaning his head on Kyungsoo's littler shoulder. 

"Get away from me!" Kyungsoo yelled angrily pushing poor Chen. 

Wedding went well and what is important for this story is that Jiyeon and Chanyeol live happily and that will be to the rest of their lives..

END <3

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