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"Tell us everything you know." Chief Bogo assured.

Judy sat down at the wooden table in the interrogation room, Nick sitting across from her. Chief Bogo glanced at the both of them before leaving.

Now it was just Judy and Nick.
Face to face.

"Tell me what happened. And start from the very beginning."

The bunny nodded and told Nick everything that had happened from when she saw Chean at the coffee shop to when she went home. Part of Nick didn't believe her, but another part of him wanted to choke a bitch.

Not Judy. But officer Howe Chean. The most stupidest name in the world....well...not as stupid as Ben Dover.

Judy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, playing with her thumbs on her lap.

"So," Nick started, setting down his clipboard. "You were drugged?"

She nodded, "Yes. He had drugged me with some pill."

Nick rolled his eyes, "Alright,  well I don't believe you so I'll have to give you a drug test."

Judy felt her heart crack and her eyes filling with tears as she nodded. The feeling of Nick not being able to trust her hurts. It was painful to her heart. And she could never get Nick back...then what?

The fox stood up and his eyes connected with Judy's for a second. And in that second, that very same second, a tear rolled down her face.

And for the first time in a long time..he felt the need to comfort her.

"I-I'll be back." He quickly spun around and rushed out the door.

Once he was outside, he leaned against the wall, letting his head drop down to his paws.

I miss you...he said in his mind.
Judy on the other paw, busted out crying. How could she not? To her he looked at her with hatred. He absolutely hates her

And it's all her fault.

Judy glanced down at her wrist, glanced down at the diamond bracelet on her wrist. She regretted it.

Regretted it ALL. Ever meeting Chean. She hated it!

Judy took off the bracelet and cried as she threw it at the wall. "You're so stupid!" She yelled at herself.

"You stupid rabbit! Stupid stupid STUPID!" She cried, slamming her fist on the table.

"Why can't I just not exist?! Why can't I just die!? Why can't..." She stopped to breathe.

"Why can't I fix things..?" Her voice cracked and she started to sob, placing her head down on the table.

Nick himself began crying. Not a lot, but Judy's crying was enough to bring tears in his eyes.

He missed her. He especially missed hugging her, touching her, hell, just plain loving her.
He wanted to hold his bunny and tell her how much he missed her.

He placed a paw over his mouth.

No way..no way in hell are you crying over her! You've lost yo Goddang mind!..He mentally scolded himself.

He held his paw tighter over his mouth.

She is not getting to him! C'mon, they weren't meant to be together anyway! She's a bunny he's a fox.

No way Jose!

But despite everyone frowning upon, Judy was the one that'd always make him laugh, always put a smile on his face. But now that she's not his anymore, he has nothing to remind him that anyone can find happiness.

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