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Crystal's POV

I woke up with the sweet sound of Skrillex! I sat up and started dancing to the beats till I saw Jerome walk in the room.

"Your good at dancing!" Jerome says giving me a nice warm hug.

"Thanks! When I was at the adoption center I had just a little money. So when I was older I used that money to get me in hip hop for a year. I was 16 when I did Hip hop." I say looking out my window.

"Well, I have seen a hardcore hip hop place down the street and now I'm thinking of you going to it?" Jerome says with his hands around me.

"Sure but I would need money" I sadly say grabbing a black baggy shirt with ripped jean shorts.

"You know I have money, right?" Jerome says giving me the 'are you kidding?' Look.

"Yes I know you have money but I didn't want to ask for money" I say closing the bathroom door so I could get changed.

"Well don't worry about it I'll pay! We can go down to there today?" Jerome asks leaning on the door.

"Sure!" I say.

After I got dressed and brushed my hair we walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning love birds!" Ty teases.

"Thank you!" I say sitting down at the table.

"Why was there Skrillex playing this morning?" Adam asks eating toast.

"I put it on for Crystal. She is a really good dancer!" Jerome says putting me on the spot making me blush!

"Good dancer, huh, I dare you to a dance off!" Quentin dares me! Oh this is easy!

"I accept this offer! The winner will get to go to the dance place down the road! The loser will go around the block naked! The guys will be the judges! Deal?" I say putting out my hand.

"Deal!" Quentin says shaking my hand.

"Tonight 8:00 pm we will have our dance off! See you soon!" I say grabbing my native boots and when outside. I start running down the street to the dance place.

When I arrived I saw a guy in the window dancing. I open the door and quietly watched. He was dancing to the song die young by Kesha.

"Wow!" I say out-loud by accident.

"Who's there?" He asks.

"Crystal, I need you to teach my an amazing dance for tonight!" I say not showing how nerviest I am.

"Okay Crystal but why do you need a dance?" He asks.

"Because me and a friend are going to have a dance off tonight and I don't know how good he is!" I say.

"Oh okay! By the way my name is Tyler. Let's get started!

After Tyler teacher me how to dance to how I feel by Flo Rida I feel confident.

I walk home and open my door to see Quentin getting ready to dance. This is going to be lol!

"You ready?" I ask making sure I had my song.

"Yup! I'll go first!" Quentin says. I can tell he is nervous.

Quentin did okay I guess. He danced to can't hold us. He was alright.

I walk on the 'stage' and press play on my song. (If you want to see the dance search on YouTube 'How I feel mega jam' it's a really cool dance!)

After I finished dancing I looked at the guys and they had the 'what was that?' Face which is usually good.

"How was I?" I ask stretching.

"Amazing!" They all say at the same time.

"What does that mean?" I already know what it means!

"You win!" Jason says clapping.

"Good job Quentin! You didn't know what you were fighting so I understand!" I say shaking his hand.

Later that night at dinner Mitch asked me,

"Where did you get that dance from?" Oh no!

"The dance place down the road. BUT WE DIDNT MAKE ANY RULES!" I yell slamming my fist on the table.

"True!" Ian agrees.

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