Imagine: a Percabeth and Jeyna story

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Percy's POV

IT WAS THE END OF THE DAY and I was walking to sword practice with Annabeth, we had spent the whole day together and neither of us had blown up at each other. It may have been because we were a couple now and all that but I wasn't sure.

"Okay seweed brain, you redy to fight?" Annabeth asked me.

I nodded and took a sip of water wich I  not so accidently spilled on myself.

"Ready." I said.

She sprung at me with all her strength. The fight had began. We sparred for a good 20 minutes neither of us winning, finally I used the first thing Luke ever taught me the dissarming trick. It was over and I had won.

"Nice going Seaweed brain." She complimented me.

"Thank you Wisegirl." I replied putting my arm around her shoulders.

Later that night we nad a romantic dinner and then we talked for a while berfore hedaing our sepert ways

"Annabeth, I love you. Please never leave me." i asked her before we headed off.

"I love you too seaweed brain, I'll never leave you. Ever" She said bcak to me before kissing.

3rd POV

Annabeth went to her cabin and fell asleep almost instantly. She had no dreams which was strange for her.

Around midnight a hooded woman entered the Athena cabin, She touched Annabeth lightly who immediately stirred, "Who are you?" Annabeth said drowsily.

"The answer to your problems." The hooded figure replied.

She grabbed Annabeth by the hand and pulled her out of her cabin "PERC-" Annabeth yelled, she got cut off by the woman putting her to sleep. She wouldn't wake up for another 8 months.

"Nice job Hera" The hooded figure complimented herself before vanishing.

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