And you are?

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Reyna's POV

I opened my eyes and blinked twice. 'where am I?' I thought.

I scanned my surroundings and found that I was on some sort of bus, filled wit kids around my age 16 or 17 maybe. A school bus. Who were these people, why can't I remember anything?

"Reyna?" a male scrawny voice asks snapping me out of my daze. "We're nearly there, I just wanted to tell you." The voice comes from a Latino boy that looks kind of like an elf.

"Okay. Where are we almost to?" I asked completely confused.

"The Grand Canyon remember." female voice says. I look at the source of the voice, she has brown choppy hair, and kaleidoscopic eyes. She's pretty, but she plays it down big time.

"Actually no,I don't remember. I don't remember anything for that matter. who are you two?" I ask.

The Latino boy crunches his eyebrows together. "Seriously Reyna, stop kidding. How could you not remember the amazing Leo Valdez" he says smiling.

I wrack my brain for memories of the two. All I get is a name which I know is mine Reyna. "I'm really sorry I don't remember you. In fact I can't remember my age." I confess.

The girl looks slightly concerned "Reyna stop kidding."

" For the last time, I'm not kidding. What the heck am I doing here, and where the heck am I?" I say too loudly.

A middle aged man with a baseball bat turns to us. "Keep quiet cupcakes!" he yells giving me a strange look.

"Sorry Coach." Piper appoligizes for us.

"Who is that?" I ask

Leo looks at me like I'm crazy, again, "How can you seriously not remeber him? You HATE coach Hedge. Wow you really don't remeber anyhing do you."

"Finally you belive me!" I exclaim quietly. For some reason, I felt a certain regard for the rules.

Then the bus stops "Okay Cupcakes, we're here. no horseplay, get with your partners and complete the worksheet." Coch says.

A boy that looks perfect,( perfect blonde hair, perfect white teeth,etc.) Walks past and takes Piper in his arm. "Come on partner let's do this." He says

"I'm coming Dillon." she says to the boy, Dillion.

"You're my partner. Do you have your sheet? Mine is kind of crupled and back at school." He admits smiling.

i look past Leo's shoulder and see the coach. "Uh yeah, Ill be right back." I walk over to the man with the baseball bat. "Have you ever seen me before?" I ask

He shakes his head "Afraid not."

I sigh and almost burst out laughing with joy. "I'm not crazy! Thank gods!" I say calmly. Wait did I just say gods?

the coach looks at me strangely "You must be the special delivery. Been watching those two all year and the only thing I know is that someone in this class is a monster." he says sniffing me as if I'm one.

"Not a monster as far as I know. I'm Reyna daughter of Bellona." I say the last part automatically.

"Definitely a demigod. Did you say daughter of Bellona? the ROMAN goddess of war? There're are no roman gods and goddess, oh Chiron what is going on." He mutters the last part to the sky.

Suddenly its starts to pour down rain, the Dillon guy starts to change into,, something "A Venti" I mutter. I reach in my back pocket for some reason and find a coin (( A/N let's pretend Reyna has the coin instead of Jason Okay? okay.)) I flip the coin and it turns into a sword, a roman sword. I run toward the monster who is trying to attack Piper and Leo. I swing the sword at it but it dodges the swing. "Hedge, tsk tsk tsk!" he taunts "gotten a little rusty have you? All year you had all year and you didn't know I was the monster!" He laughs manically.

a war chariot comes down from the sky containing a buff guy with a tattoo of a,... was that a rainbow? and a black haired boy with sea green eyes that look insanely familiar.

I swing the sword at the Venti again, the bridge that we're standing on starts to weaken. This time my swing hits him and he disintegrates. I take a deep breath and start to but my sword away, when the ashes start to reform. "Piper, Leo! RUN!" I yell. Dillin the Venti reforms and picks the coach up. he kicks his legs and one of his shoes fall of revealing a hoof. wait a HOOF?!

Piper and Leo are looking up dumbfounded. the blacked haired boy in the chariot beckons us to come closer. I obey but still have my guard up, I trip slightly and my shoe falls off, which I now see was a purple Nike shoe. "We're here to take you to Camp Half-Blood. I'm Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you."

Imagine: a Percabeth and Jeyna storyWhere stories live. Discover now