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A/N thanks for all the comments they always make me smile and I promise this will be the last chapter before we go to Reyna's POV then I'll switch to a Percy chapter then Annabeth, just pretend hers are 8months in the future for me please :)

Percy's POV

I stormed into the Empire Sate building not in the mood to deal with the door man. I look at him and say "I need to go up to the 600th floor give me the key or I will hurt you" I say growling. He pales and hands me the key. "Thank you." I say

The ride up to Olympus wasn't awful, it was just annoying Apollo's music just made me want to punch him in the neck.

When the doors opened I walked out with a scowl on my face My emotions had changed from sad to mad. Not mad Furious. I opened the doors to Olympus.

Poseidon's POV

Today had been an especially bad day up here. Our roman sides were acting up and everyone was irritable. This just got better when my son entered the room with a scowl on his face, oh gods this wasn't good.

"Peruses! What brings you here today?" I ask ignoring the look on his face.

He walks past me and up to Zeus. "Where. is. Annabeth." he growls.

Zeus pales. I'll admit Percy can be scary when he wants to be even to us gods. "What are you talking about demigod?" Zeus asks.

"Annabeth is gone. she was taken last night, no note nothing all her clothes are still there so she didn't run away. she's to smart for that." he says smiling at the last part.


Zeus looked at his daughter "Yes?"

"WHERE IS MY FAVOURITE DAUGHTER?" Athena says also growling.

Hera looks down at the ground oh gods. please don't notice Percy, please don't notice Percy. I beg in my head.

"Hera? why did you take her?" Percy asks while his voice raising. oh he noticed yay.

"asleep." She muttered.

"Okay don't tell me. Keep this on mind though, I won't lift a finger in this war until I have my Wise Girl back." He storms out of Olympus.

Zeus turns to his wife "I hope it was wort it, we just lost our best hero because if your stupid plan"

She looks down still.

Percy POV

That goddess is going down.

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