Where is She?

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I don't any characters (Unless you've never heard of them) plots, settings, or the series. I promise I'm not Rick Riodan.

How is it so far/ please give me suggestions! okay enough of this, on to the story!


Percy's POV

I looked at the 3 people, demigods, walk up to me. One of the looked hilariously like a Latino Santa's elf, one of the girls had brown choppy hair, and kaleidoscopic eyes and she wore a t-shirt and jean shorts. the last person looked kinda familiar, she had dark brown hair and yees to match,she had on a royal purple t-shirt and kaki horts and, strangley, a tatoo on her arm.

Butch was preoccupied with whatever he was doing and being the Seaweed Brain I am said "Hi, I'm Percy Jackson."

before they could answer a nervous goat sound came from behinde us. I looked at wear it came from and my mouth dropped open, black wind spirits were picking a saytr, Coach Hedge, (We knew him from camp.) and started flying off. "Oh come o,n really?" I muttered grabbing Riptide from my pocket. It was still in pen form when I brought it out.

"No offence Percy Jackson but how will a pen help us?" the latino elf asked.

I gave him a look and took the cap of it.

"Oh." was all he said.

thje tatoo girl stepped forward with a sword i hadn't oticed before in her hand. the design looked familiar like some of the rarer ones at camp, the Imperial Gold Roman ones.

okay this was offiacially weird.

"are we gonna kil this Venti or not?" tatoo girl asked.

"Uh yeah let's go and what the heck is a Venti?" I asked running forward into battle. Man this was just like Annabeth and I used to. My eyes teared up for a millasecond, but stopped when I reminded myself that it was only temporary, we would be togeter agian and as soon as possible.

We almost killed the storm Spirt but we were just 20 seconds to late he was gone with a kill-crazy saytr with him.

Butch suddenly looked up. "So are you the half-bloods we were told to pick up. I'm Butch." He says his rainbow tatto showing.

the latino elf chuckled. "Rainbows, very macho." he says, I was liking him more very minute.

Butch scowled. I decided to break the tesion all little bit "so get in the chariot."

Than I noticed that one of the girls had only one shoe on. That's what's Hera told me the night after Olympus was the key to finding her, a girl with one shoe.

I ran up to her with riptide uncapped and at her throat. "WHERE IS SHE!" I yelled

"What are y-you talking about?" she stuttered.

"YOU KNOW WHO IM TALKING ABOUT. WHERE. IS. ANNABETH." I yelled at her tears flowing.

The Latino elf pointed at me, I was starting to create a hurricanes around me.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't even know why I'm here!" she yelled.

My storm faltered. "you're positive?" I asked.


I sighed "okay let's just go to camp."

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