I Will Wait for You. Always

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Jason's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling happy. Last night was amazing. Reyna was amazing. I want to go say 'hi' to her bit I know from experience to not go into her cabin until she comes out I'll wait.

At breakfast I wait for Reyna. She doesn't show. From breakfast to lunch, even through my training sessions with those new kids Frank and Hazel. I look for her. "Have you seen Reyna?" I ask Dakota 20 minutes before lunch.

He shakes his head "Sorry praetor no I haven't."

"That's to bad." I reply

When lunch comes around Reyna isn't there. After I finish eating I make the executive decision to go into her cabin and look for her.

I walk into her cabin and almost pass out when I see her bed is empty.

Outside of the cabin a spilled water cup lays on the ground. Reyna had been taken.

I run to gather all the people I need for a meeting.

"Praetor Grace? why are we here?" Octavian asked in a bored voice.

I ignore him and get straight to the point. "My fellow Praetor, Praetor Reyna, has been abducted."

A few people gasp.

Octavian's eyes narrow as if he expects me to say 'Lol here she is!' and have her jump out from behinds me. "Jason,?" he says.

"Praetor Grace." I correct, I love my last name.

"Praetor Grace, what proof do we have of this abducting?" he asks.

"Well nobody has seen her all day, her bunk is empty, and I found this." I say holding up the plastic water cup.

"How is cup proof Grace?" Octavian asks.

"Reyna never litters not anyone in this camp." I point out.

Dakota raises his hand slowly "What should we do?"

"We can't send a search party out that's for sure. I suggest we pray to the gods for guidance." I say.

Everyone nods. "Octavian could you burn a teddy bear please?" I say with as much respect as I can muster for the.

"Dismissed." I say. "I will wait for you Reyna, always." I whisper.

Imagine: a Percabeth and Jeyna storyWhere stories live. Discover now