Reyna's dissapearence

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Jason's POV

Reyna and I had a normal day at camp nothing special, until the end of the day when something interesting did happen.

Reyna looked me in the eyes "Jason, do you want to go on a date with me?" she asked me shyly, tucking a piece of hair behinds her ear.

I stood there speechless for a second, thre really were no other girls at camp that I liked, and to tell you the truth I had always had a crush on her. She had an amazing smile and beautiful eyes, man how I loved those eyes, her hair was beautiful as well, it was dark brown and slightly stringy. She was beautiful.

I smile at her "I would love to Reyna."

"I'll see you tonight Preater Jason."

"As to you Praetor Reyna." She chuckled and left, this was going to be fun.

Later that night

I see Reyna wearing a camp shirt and some tight fitting jeans sitting by the edge of the river.

"Hey Reyna, I like your picnic." I say grinning.

she chuckles slightly "I thought you would. We have all your favourite foods. Lemonade, pizza and chocolate lava cakes which I will get from the bakery." she says pointing to the bakery.

I Laugh happily, this was going to be the best night ever.

After we ate or pizza and lava cake (which was delicious thank you for asking.) we sat on the picnic blanket and looked up at the stars.

I sighed and out my arm around her shoulders "Reyna I've had the best time, I've had since I first came to camp." I chuckle thinking about my first week.

Reyna snuggles up to me and says "I'm glad Jason."

"Hey Reyna?" I ask stroking her hair.

"Yeah?" she replies, removing my hand from her head.

"I was thinking do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah Jason, I do."

A grin spreads across my face and I peck her lips.

Then we stand up hand-in-hand And walk to the cabins. "I'll see you tomorrow Reyna. Promise me I will." I say looking into her big brown eyes.

She nods "I'm not going anywhere soon Jason."

3rd person

Reyna skipped to her bed happily, she had had the best date with Jason. She had dreamed about that date ever since they both received praetor-ship. She couldn't imagine don't the job with anybody else. She smiled and sank into her bead and tucked the cover up to her chin. She smiled as she put her head on her pillow. She fell fast into a strange dreamless sleep.

Later in the night Reyna woke up and needed a glass of water. She swung her legs out of her bed and grabbed a jacket to wrap around herself, and walked to the water machine just outside her cabin.

Reyna heard a rustling in a bush somewhere. she grabbed her sword and looked around silently for the source if the noise. The camp was strangely quiet even at midnight, there was usually some noise the ghosts mumbling, or an owl hooting.

Suddenly a hooded figure came out if the bush unarmed and silent.

"W-what do you want?" Reyna asked her voice filled with fear.

The hooded figured put a gloved hand over the scared girl's mouth and whispered into her ear "you." before mumbling a few words while Reyna was trying to scream 'Jason!'.

She suddenly fell limp.

The lady slid off her hood and mumbled "2 down. Now time for the fun. I hope this works." Hera disappeared in a flash if light with Reyna with her.

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