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Zainab POV

After talking to Annie i carry Mia in my arms and go to kitchen and make breakfast for Asad and me i just make something light for Asad because he is not well i hope he is feeling good now.I was done making my breakfast and call for Asad to come downstairs.

Asad came downstairs and saw Mia his eyes light up and he carry her in his arms and through her in air and Mia giggle and then she give her famous wet sloppy kisses.

"Assalam o Alikum Asad"i said to Asad and put his plate on table with a cup of tea it will helps his throat.

"Walikum Assalam Zainab and thank you for the breakfast"he said and wink at me god i am blushing like an idiot so i carry Mia in my arms and was going to kitchen but stopped by Asad.I turn around to see him.

"Where are you going?"he asked

"Going in kitchen for having breakfast, do you need anything?"I said 

"Yes i need something"he answered

"What do you need Asad?" i asked 

"I want my daughter and wife to have breakfast with me on dinning table"he said/ordered

"But Asad you" he cut me of on my mid sentence 

"I know Zainab i have asked you to not come in front of my eyes but that is why i apologize right so please come and sit with me so i feel that you really forgive me"he said and pout god i can not say no to this pout face..

After having breakfast Asad was ready to go to the office

"Where are you going Mr Sultan?"i asked

"umm I am going to office"he answered very calmly 

"I know and i can see but you are not going office till Monday you have to rest just look at your you look like a monster look at your eyes Mr so do not dare to move just go to your room and sleep and this is a order"i said with angry eyes

"Aye Aye captain"he said and go to his room

I do all my house work and gave Mia her favorite bubble bath my princess really enjoys this after i dress her with a very cool bandana  and make milk bottle for Mia and feed her and make soup for Asad and go to his room to wake him up. I switch on the light switch and wake him up.

"Asad here have your lunch i gave him bowl of soup and put Mia in my lap and start playing with her.Asad was just sitting and starring so i said 

"Why are you not eating"

"Actually i am feeling pain in my arms so i can not eat anything so you feed me"he said and give bowl to me and take Mia from me and start playing with Mia.


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