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I am her with a new chapter after a long time, so lets what is happening in Asad and Zainab life


After big long chat with Madison, we start making breakfast today is Monday and Asad have to go to office "Madison can you please take care of this, i forget to take Asad cloths out so i gotta go" i said and she nodded i pick Mia and go towards our room i enter room and i can hear shower sound "so Asad is in washroom i'll do this quickly and will go downstairs" i think to myself and put Mia in her crib with toys and start doing my work. I take Asad cloths out of wardrobe and put on the bed after that i make the bed and pick everything which is on floor and put them at there places as i hear there was no shower sound coming and Asad is coming out i quickly pick Mia and was going out of the room but a hand caught my wrist and move me around so i can face him "Zainab" he said and i look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes are bloodshot red dark circle on his pretty face "Angel whatever happened yesterday i regret i regret each and every single thing i am really sorry Zainab seeing you like this is killing me i'll do this again please"he said and i can see tears in his eye i was about to speak but his phone rings and i take my que to leave the room.

I came downstairs the table is set i go towards take Mia's cerrelac bowl and make Mia set on her feeding chair "Dada Dada" Mia start saying as she sees Asad "morning daddy's little love" Asad said and kisses her on cheek and then i kissed my cheek and my eyes widen "that wasn't over Angel"he whisper in my ear and start doing his breakfast and i start feeding Mia. Asad finish his breakfast and get up to leave for office but i didn't follow him like me and Mia used to do.

After breakfast i do all the my house chores i take my Mia and go upstairs to get ready because i have a monthly doctor appointment, i gave Mia bath after getting her ready gave her milk bottle and walk back and forth so she can sleep.Mia sleeping i quickly get ready and go downstairs and ask Madison to tag along with me.

After seeing the doctor we decided to stop by a restaurant *pregnant women need food*. As we order we sat down quietly "Zainab" i hear someone calls my name i turn around "Zayn" i said in shock and he came towards us "what a surprise Zayn, you are here but doesn't even tell me boy you can at least text me" i said and he chuckled "cool down tiger take deep breaths"he said and kiss Mia on cheek "hey little one" he said to Mia and she giggles *ahh Allah bless my lil girl*. 

"So madam i am here for my job just came this week and was busy getting adjust to new job" he answered and i shake my head "dude one text doesn't take that much of your time"i said and he laugh "girl you are changed, so tell me how's life?" he asked "life is good but this pregnancy always make it difficult" i said and his face wide opened "you are pregnant?" shock written right on his face i nodded "i am" i said  "you are here complaining that i didn't text you and did not share me this big news CONGRATS girl" he said "thank you Zayn" i said "so you tell me vas happening" i asked "nofing special yar wohi bore life(nothing special just bore life)"he said and our food comes "dude just join us" i said to Zayn and we start eating "so any girl" i asked him "nah still finding" he said and we continue our food and chit chat session 





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