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Zainab pov

I was ready i do my little makeup and made a lose bun and  wear white diamond earrings that's it. Mia was also ready laying on our bed playing with her stuff toy i am really nervous this is my first date what if something happen what i do some thing wrong there was a battle going inside my head then there was a knock on door i finally checked my self in mirror and nervously open the door and there was standing Asad looking handsome as always in simple cloths

I was standing without saying anything and he was also silent with mouth slightly open "hmmm Asad"i said to bring him out of his thoughts "umm hi you are looking beautiful"he said and i blush "you are looking handsome as always"i said and he came ...

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I was standing without saying anything and he was also silent with mouth slightly open "hmmm Asad"i said to bring him out of his thoughts "umm hi you are looking beautiful"he said and i blush "you are looking handsome as always"i said and he came inside and i shut door behind me he move towards Mia and pick her in his arms while i pick up her bag he open the door but i was still stood frozen at my place then Asad shut the door and stand front of me and put his hand on my cheek i look in his eyes "Angel waht's wrong"he asked softly "i don't know Asad what if i do something wrong i m so nervous Asad"i answer him and look at the floor like that is the most important thing Asad put his finger on my chin to make me look into his eyes "Angel why are so nervous you are looking beautiful and you are the most beautiful i lay my eyes on you are perfect,perfect daughter,perfect wife and a perfect mother you will do nothing wrong i know and who cares if you do something it's only me right"he said and i nodded and we leave the room. 

We go downstairs and there was a lamborghini waiting for us okay i love this car we sit in it Mia in my lap and Asad is driving first we stop at Asad parents house for Mia my mother in law come outside with my father in law when they see us their ...

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We go downstairs and there was a lamborghini waiting for us okay i love this car we sit in it Mia in my lap and Asad is driving first we stop at Asad parents house for Mia my mother in law come outside with my father in law when they see us their eye lit up "Asad , Zainab"my mother in law said "Assalam O Alikum i greet both of them "MASHALLAH look at you looking beautiful my son is a lucky man"my mother in law said "thank you"i said and my father in take Mia in his arms,Mia loves her grand parents so she easily go to them but i don't want to leave Mia i think this happens with every mother lastly i kiss Mia on cheek and leave "so where are we going"i ask Asad "Ohh wifey i am not going to tell you"he said "ohh such a rude husband i have" i said and he laugh after some time Asad stop his car "are we there"i ask him "i am not going to tell you"he said and come out of car and open my door too after that he blindfolded me "Asad what are you doing?"i asked "shh it's a surprise"he said and guide me "are you trying to kill me?"i asked again "no and no more questions"he said after about 5 minutes he opens my blindfold and i was shocked there is a beautiful house in front of my eyes "Asad what is this?"i asked i am asking too many question "babe this is your house our house"he said and hug me from behind "do you like it"he asked and kissed me on my neck "i love it dummy"i said and he chuckle "come lemme show you inside"he said and take my hand in his  

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