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So here is another chapter for my lovely people who never fail to surprise me 


Zainab Pov (AFTER 3 MONTHS) 

It's been 3 months after my birthday, it's been three months i told Asad that i am pregnant i am so happy Alhumdullilah "YA ALLAH THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING FOR ASAD FOR MIA AND THIS LITTLE HAPPINESS, I PRAY NOTHING HAPPENS TO MY FAMILY" i finish praying Fajr i fold the Ja Namaz and look myself in the mirror i can see a little bump, i am five months pregnant Asad is very excited to meet this baby, every night Asad talk to my belly and if i ask what he is talking he says "its dad and baby's secret" and My little girl copy her dad so she also speak to my belly but in a gibberish.  As Asad came to know the news the very next day he took the appointment of doctor, but doctor said i have to take care of myself because of my accident and stitches i shouldn't take tension take my medicines on time don't work a lot so my responsible husband take very very good care of me don't lemme do anything if i sneak from room to kitchen and he comes to know that he scolds me like a parent scold his child, he didn't allow me to carry my daughter in my arms but i am stubborn and hey she is my daughter.

I go towards my bed where my husband is sleeping peacefully i sit down and look at his face he sleeps like a child, he is so tired now a days from past two days he is working a lot cutting himself from me and Mia go early to office and come late at night he do this when something is bothering him and i know what's that and he have to speak to me and tell me i know he will take everything inside and try not to show that he is killing himself. I sigh kiss his forehead took out his office cloths and leave the room to meet my daughter, as i enter my princess nursery she is wide awake stretching her hands and legs like a baby do when move towards her little bed and sees me her blue eyes lit up "hey my baby girl" i said and pick her in my arms and kiss gives me wet sloppy kisses "i love you my princess" i said to her and carry her downstairs "good morning ma'am" Madison said "Morning Madison" i said and go to kitchen "ma'am what are you doing here Sir will be not happy seeing you here" Madison said "it's okay Madison i'll take care of your sir and i'll also make his breakfast so you can carry on with your work" i said and start making Mia cereal after putting Mia in her walker "but Ma'am"Madison was going to say something but i her cut her "listen to me Madison okay and go look at Mia that little devil will destroy everything"i said and she chuckle and left kitchen and i start doing my work. After some time and hear the the voice of foot steps coming from stairs so he is coming get ready Zainab i was doing my work when i hear his voice "Good morning" he said and came forward towards me "morning" i replied he kissed my forehead and place his hand on my bump "how are you and the little one" he asked "ohh we are good" i said and turn around continue what i was doing he hugged me from behind and whisper in my ear" what are you doing here? you aren't allowed to do anything" he said i shrugged "i want to that's why i am here" i said he sigh and turn me around so i can face him but i look at the floor he put his finger under my chin i look at him "Zainab this is not good for you and the baby" he said and i roll my eyes *i am angry okay* "sitting alone whole day is also good for me Mia and baby Asad" i said "Zainab i am sorry naw" he said "no no Asad sorry is not enough tell me what is bothering tell Asad why are you cutting us off huh why aren't you giving time to Mia? I asked and stare directly in his eyes and he lowered his eyes "Isn't this about what i talk that day oh my god Asad now i come to know you are just doing so i can not talk about my baby girl first birthday?" i questioned him "yes yes yes this is all about that i don't want to think about that day, that day i lost her" he looked in my eyes" i lost my Misha"..




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