Humans' Oldest Ancestor

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Scientists found the oldest possible ancestor in the human race that appears sack-like sea creature with its elliptical body and wide mouth in Shaanxi, China

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Scientists found the oldest possible ancestor in the human race that appears sack-like sea creature with its elliptical body and wide mouth in Shaanxi, China. It was thought to be the foremost DEUTEROSTOME, a biological classification of how embryos develop where its first opening is an ANUS and the second opening is a mouth. Examples are us, humans. No wonder, we are assholes. Contrary, Protostomes are the organisms whose mouth is the first opening and the latter is the anus.

SACCORHYTUS is the name of the probable most primitive deuterostome yet discovered. Its size was about a millimeter which probably helps itself to fit to live between the grains of sand on the seabed. And obviously, it uses its mouth to engulf food particles and other creatures that seemed delicious. However, it is classified as a deuterostome, these scientists were intrigued by its feature of having NO ANUS at all! And they hypothesized that perhaps its mouth was its anus too, which sounds unappealing and odd. But, scientists are relentless and curious to know more about its fascinating traits. So, more research is needed.

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