Honeybees Practice Democracy Too!

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Bees cast votes too but not like our rotten voting system. They do not choose their own queen but rather vote for the best new habitat. It happens when their sweet home is overcrowded and desperately need to find a new place to live in. Their queen cannot decide where would be their next home because she is busy laying thousands of eggs and has no time to explore outside so she let the working bees find other safe places.

The assigned bees will swarm *around the world to find comfortable places as fast as possible. After searching, the scouts will return to the old hive and do some "waggle dance" in ten minutes. When they are all done reporting, the other bees can now choose among the discovered areas, which suited them best. After the peaceful votation, the extra bees will migrate to the nominated new environment and begin a new chapter of their lives.

Perhaps we should also adopt some styles of their voting system. We must wisely vote a deserving leader and a great servant to his or her own country and require the running candidates to do some waggle dance. In fact, a candidate who just dance in his campaign ad in this country I'm currently living in, effectively help him won a seat in a senate. 

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